Many people use their crystals in prayer or meditation for spiritual growth or healing. You should also cleanse your crystals when they are used for any other purpose than spiritual. The cleansing process is very simple – and can be done in a matter of minutes.
Amethyst is one of the strongest and most popular crystals used for metaphysical purposes. Not only does it help reduce stress and anxiety but amethyst has been known to enhance spiritual awareness and wisdom as well. The properties of this powerful stone include: transmuting lower vibrations to a higher frequency, healing of the mind and body, positive transformation, peace, harmony, and calming effect on emotions.
This post will cover several methods on how to cleanse and charge amethyst as well as explain why cleaning crystals is a necessary part of your ritualistic healing.
Reasons to Cleanse and Charge Amethyst
Many people use their crystals in prayer or meditation for spiritual growth or healing. While amethyst crystals can possess many healing properties, it is important to ensure that you cleanse crystals of all negative energies.
While your own positive energy may be pure, your crystal may still contain negative energy from people who owned it before you or have encountered it when in your home. When you cleanse amethyst, you remove this unwanted energy so that you can fill it with your own energy and take advantage of its abilities.
Amethyst crystals can possess a lot of spiritual power. It is possible for your amethyst to break or crack while you are working with it on a spiritual level. This would be very detrimental to the effectiveness of your crystal and might even ruin its appearance, which you probably want to keep looking nice. To prevent this from happening, cleanse and charge your amethyst crystal.
You may wonder if the cleansing and charging process is necessary since you probably don’t use your crystals in a negative way, but it’s simply good practice. While most people who use their crystals for spiritual growth and healing would never consider allowing any negative influence to enter into their sacred space, it is still possible. You cannot fully predict how your crystals will be used by those who eventually find their way into your possession.
When to Charge or Cleanse Your Amethyst
Cleansing your crystals of unwanted negative energy is especially important after each use. This can be done through prayer, meditation, or simply by holding the crystal in your hand. You should cleanse and charge amethyst when you first bring it home or immediately after it has been cleared by someone else.
You should also cleanse your crystals after you have experienced any traumatic event. These negative energies can linger in your crystal without you even knowing it. Cleansing amethyst after this type of experience will make sure that your crystal is ready to provide the positive environment you need.
If possible, cleansing and charging amethyst crystals every day would be ideal. If you know how then do it. If not, then try to do so at least once a week if you are using your crystals often or even just after each time you use them.
How to Cleanse Amethyst Crystals
Here are several methods of cleansing amethyst that can help rid yourself of negative energy and fill it with positive vibes.
Method 1: Sage
Sage is one of the simplest ways to cleanse your amethyst. You can purchase sage or you can grow it yourself in a pot or garden area. The herb comes from the mint family and has long been used for spiritual cleansing practices.
To use sage, you will need either fresh sage leaves or a sage smudge stick. If you use a fresh sage leaf, hold it by the stem and gently fan your crystal. If you use a smudge stick, make sure it is lit on fire and then wave the flame near your crystals until they are completely surrounded by smoke.
Method 2: Salt
Salt is another great cleansing agent that is easily accessible. You might not always have sage on hand, but most households contain salt. To cleanse your amethyst crystals with salt, pour a small amount of rock salt into the palm of your hand and set your crystal on top of it. Leave it there for about five minutes or until you can feel that the negative energy has been removed from the crystal.
Method 3: Water
Water is usually among the first things that come to mind when someone thinks about cleansing crystals. You can use water in a number of ways to cleanse your amethyst. The most common method for this type of practice is to place your crystal under running water and allow it to soak for several minutes.
Another method for cleansing your crystals with water is to simply leave them under a full moon overnight. The light from the moon can go into your crystal and clear away any negative energy that may linger inside of it.
Method 4: Sunlight & Crystals
Sunlight is also a natural cleanser for amethyst. Placing your crystals in the sunlight for at least 15 minutes is a great way to cleanse them and rid them of any negative vibes. Natural light is a great way to cleanse amethyst properly and fill it with its natural energy.
Method 5: Salt Water
This method of cleansing amethyst is pretty similar to the salt method discussed above. Only this time you will use sea salt instead of normal table salt. Put your crystal in a bowl and cover it with sea salt water. Leave it there overnight so that the negative energy can be removed through evaporation.
Method 6: Dry Brown Rice
Dry brown rice is a good way to clean your crystals because the individual grains of rice can actually absorb negative energy. All you have to do is put your amethyst in a bowl of dry brown rice and leave it there overnight. The thought of leaving your crystal surrounded by mounds of rice may seem odd, but the power from the rice actually works. You should repeat this process if you feel that your amethyst still has negative energy in it.
How to Charge Amethyst Crystals
Charging your amethyst is as simple as allowing positive energy to flow into it. It can be done by simply asking that universal source of light and love flow into your crystal and then giving it the time to absorb that energy. After this, your crystal will be able to bring that positive vibration to anyone who is using it for communication with higher beings or other forms of spiritual guidance
Here are several methods you can use to charge your amethyst:
Method 1: Incense
Many types of incense can be used to charge your amethyst. The most popular choices are sage, palo santo, copal, sweetgrass, frankincense, and myrrh.
To do this, simply light some incense with a match or lighter and set it near your crystal. Leave them both alone for five to ten minutes. When the incense begins to die out, remove it from your crystal and it will be refreshed with positive energy.
Method 2: Intentions & Prayer
If you are someone who is more intuitive or spiritual, then this is a great method for cleansing amethyst crystals. You can ask the universe to lift any negative energy that may have become attached to your crystal and send it back to where it came from so that you can use your amethyst without any tension. This method is also great for charging crystals because all you have to do is intend that positive energy into it and then leave the crystal alone until that intention materializes.
You can energetically cleanse your amethyst using the above method to remove the bad energy while you charge your crystals. Taking several deep breaths and focusing on your own intuition can help you connect to the spiritual realm while charging crystals.
Method 3: Candlelight
A small candle or tea light can be used in place of incense when charging your amethyst. Simply light the candle and set it in front of your crystal for about five to ten minutes.
Method 4: Song & Dance
This method is one that is often used when cleansing crystals but can also be used to charge them. You can sing or dance around in a circle with your crystals if you feel so inclined. Singing or dancing is a great way to rid yourself of negative energy and bring in positive vibes. Reiki music is especially effective for this method of sound cleansing.
Method 5: Sun Gazing
Another simple method you can use to charge your crystal is sun gazing. Direct sunlight acts as a natural source of positive energy that brings good feelings to people and crystals alike. Place your amethyst in the direct sunlight for 15 minutes or more to cleanse it and charge it with positive energy.
In addition to using these methods, you can also place new-age music near your crystals while they are charging so that they get a double dose of positive energy.
Method 6: Moonlight Energy
Whether it is a full moon or just a crescent moon, the light from the moon has been used for centuries to cleanse and charge crystals. There are many legends about how placing certain crystals under the light of a full moon can make them more powerful and enhance their natural energy to bring out their true potential.
The truth behind this type of crystal folklore is that the moon’s light is only one type of energy. It creates an illusion that the full moon brings out all of the crystals’ potential but really, it is just filtering through one particular plane of vibration.
Method 7: Crystal Grid
Crystal grids are also a great way to cleanse your amethyst or any other stone you have laying around at home. To make a simple crystal grid, simply place the stones in the pattern shown below. The stones can be any color but it is most commonly used with black tourmaline, amethyst, and quartz. This is helpful for all crystals but especially those that need some extra help reaching their full potential like amethyst.
Method 8: Meditation
If you are not one to pray or sing then meditation is your best option for cleansing your amethyst. Simply sit with the crystal in your hand or place it nearby and clear your mind of any thoughts. When you feel at peace, intend that all negative energy be removed from the crystal so that only positive vibes remain behind.
Stay in this state for about five to ten minutes before opening your eyes and you should see a dramatic change in the way your crystal feels. This is the best method if you want to rid yourself of negative energy as well as your amethyst so that it can be used for good rather than evil.
Crystals tend to thrive when charged with moon energy.
Method 9: Use Other Crystals
Placing your amethyst near other stones is another great way to rid your stone of any negative energy. The best stones to use with amethyst are those that can absorb negative energy such as smoky quartz, selenite, rose quartz, clear quartz, and howlite. By incorporating crystals around the stone you will be able to cleanse it without much effort.
The natural vibrations of these protective stones are capable of clearing crystals so that they can continue to help you with your physical and emotional healing.
By using one or all of these crystal cleansing methods to charge your amethyst, you will be able to see a shift in the way it feels and its overall energy. Amethysts are not only beautiful stones but they can be powerful tools for positive energy as well once they have been cleansed and charged.
Once you have cleansed your amethyst, all you need to do is keep it stored in a safe and dry place until you are ready to use it again. To keep your crystal looking fresh, you can wrap it in a small piece of silk or even just use some paper. When cleansing multiple stones at the same time, simply place them on top of one another so they are touching and cleanse them together. If you notice that there is still negative energy attached to your stones after cleansing them with one of the methods above, you can simply repeat the process once more.