Crystals accumulate energy all the time. Even before they reached your doorsteps, they have been through a lot: from the mines to the retailers to you. Whenever you use them, they also absorb energy from their surroundings, leading to an excess of negative energy stored within the crystals.
It’s crucial to cleanse crystals and charge them. Using lunar energy is one of the most popular ways.
However, as powerful as full moon energy is in restoring your crystal to its optimum levels, some wonder how to cleanse and charge them effectively.
In this article, I’ll share how to charge your crystals under direct moonlight properly in this article. I will also briefly explain how to cleanse your crystals with moon water and charge them or just the moonlight. Let’s start.
How To Create Moon Water
While many people prefer to charge their crystals with moonlight, others prefer to create a moon water and use it for charging crystals.
In the simplest terms, moon water refers to water that has received direct lunar energy.
This is done by placing a bowl of water under direct moonlight, preferably during a full moon, and waiting a specific amount of time before returning the lunar-powered water. This bowl of water (or whichever container one prefers) is now charged with positive energy that could effectively cleanse and charge crystals.
As you know, water and the moon can be used separately to cleanse and charge crystals.
Combining these two methods for charging and cleansing, we have moon water. These two sources of natural energy are already powerful, but together they make a more potent combination.
According to crystal healers, there are two ways to create moon water. Please use whichever method speaks to you.
New Moon, Full Moon Method
In this method, you will have to leave a bowl of water at the start of the new moon, then use the water to charge crystals during a full moon. The new moon symbolizes new beginnings, a fresh start, which is why it’s ideal for starting to create moon water. Meanwhile, the full moon is the most powerful lunar phase.
It’s been said that the moon emits the highest vibration during the full moon. Its energy is highly potent, thus making it perfect for cleansing and charging crystals.
To put it simply, here’s how to create moon water using this method:
Step 1
Leave a bowl of water under the new moon. Ensure to place it somewhere safe where it won’t be disturbed.
Step 2
Wait until the full moon to retrieve it.
12-Hour Full Moon Method
Of course, not everyone could wait for a few weeks to get their moon water ready. This second method is more popular than the previous one because it’s more convenient and practical.
Step 1
During a full moon, leave a bowl of water (or your chosen container) at sundown. Ensure to place it in a safe place where it won’t be disturbed by passerby, animals, or other elements.
Step 2
Retrieve your moon water early the next day.
Some tips:
- You can place a cover atop your container if you are worried about leaves, dirt, or other elements falling into the water. To allow moonlight to seep in, use something transparent.
- Many crystal enthusiasts set intentions when creating moon water. It’s believed that it aids in manifestation and amplifies its powers. Before placing it under the moon, set your intention and meditate. Intentions can be like, “This water purifies and recharges all crystals it touches,” or “May the moon lend its cleansing energy to this water.” Your intentions can be anything you like.
- To know when the next full moon is, you can check or use apps like My Moon Phase. This app is available for both Android and iOS devices.
- Besides crystal cleansing, you can also use moon water for other purposes like elixirs and rituals.
What type of water should I use for creating moon water?
As for the water, you can choose between saltwater, rainwater, and fresh water. Although naturally-sourced water like streams and ocean water are preferred by some (the latter because it also contains salt, which is another charging and cleansing material for crystals), water from your faucet will do.
How to Charge Crystals in Moon Water
Moon water is a highly effective method for charging crystals. Its grounding energy could purify crystals and, most especially, restore its own energy.
However, if you use moon water for crystal charging and cleansing, note that not all stones and minerals are safe in water. As a general rule, avoid putting soft crystals in water and minerals that could absorb moisture. If you are unsure which crystals are safe in the water and which aren’t, refer to the section below for more explanation.
Before Charging Your Crystals
Before charging your crystals, it’s important to cleanse them first. Cleansing crystals is important to get rid of all the excess negative energy it accumulate during crystal healing sessions. Else, where would your crystal store the moon’s energy?
There are several ways on how to cleanse your crystals, such as:
- By smudging them with incense, sage, or palo santo
- By playing sounds from Tibetan singing bowls, bells, or meditation apps
You can even use the natural light of the moon to cleanse your crystals. Here’s how:
Step 1
Simply place your crystals under the light of the moon. Place them on a soft cloth or any natural surface, like wood and ground.
Step 2
Arrange them in a way that there is good breathing space between each crystal. You can put them in a line or a crystal grid if each crystal receives direct moonlight.
Step 3
Let your crystals sit there for the whole night.
It doesn’t matter which phase of the lunar cycle it is as long as your crystals can receive the light of the moon.
Make sure to retrieve your crystals before the sun is high. Some crystals, like amethyst, can be damaged when put under the sun. A few hours more, and they could either crack or fade.
Once they are cleansed, they are ready to be charged.
Although “cleansing” and “charging” are often used interchangeably, they are actually different. Cleansing involves purifying your crystals from negative energy, renewing them, and turning them into a fresh slate. Meanwhile, charging is the process wherein crystals replenish energy with the help of natural elements like the moon, sun, and water.
Charge Your Crystals Using Moon Water
To charge crystals in moon water, do the following:
Step 1
Create moon water by placing a water container under the full moon. Collect it in the morning and set it aside.
Step 2
Gather crystals that need recharging. You will know if a crystal needs recharging if they seem to be energetically heavy and have lost its “luster.”
Step 3
Place your crystals first on a soft cloth or a natural surface like wood and the earth.
Again, make sure that these crystals are safe for water contact.
Step 4
Set your intentions by saying affirmations. Recommended but not a necessity, you can also meditate while doing so.
Step 5
Sprinkle some of the moon water on your crystals. An alternative method is submerging your crystals or dunking them for short bursts in the moon water.
After your crystals are charged, please return them to the sacred space where you keep them. They are now ready to be used again.
Popular Crystals That You Can Cleanse with Moon Water
Unfortunately, not all crystals can go in water. Therefore, it’s important to know which crystals are safe in moon water and which ones should avoid them.
Porous minerals and crystals that scored 5 and below in the Mohs scale level of hardness should not come into contact with water, especially ocean water. Water could dissolve your crystals, and the damage might be irreversible.
Some say that most crystals and minerals ending with “–ite” shouldn’t be exposed to water. Minerals with high iron content should also avoid it. Crystals with high toxicity levels shouldn’t touch water at all costs.
Here are some crystals that SHOULD NOT come into contact with water.
- Selenite
- Pyrite
- Malachite
- Calcite
- Fluorite
- Kyanite
- Diopside
- Apatite
- Azurite
- Charoite
- Chrysocolla
- Lapis Lazuli
- Opal
- Sodalite
- Sugilite
- Turquoise
As you would have guessed, crystals with a Mohs score of 6 and above are generally safe in water. This includes most types of quartz, amethysts, topazes, orthoclase, corundum like rubies and sapphires, and diamonds.
Tumbled stones also usually do well in them.
Here are some crystals that CAN be charged with moon water:
- Moonstone
- Amethyst
- Quartz
- Topaz
- Ruby
- Diamond
- Sapphire
- Tourmaline
- Jasper
- Chalcedony
- Aventurine
- Tiger’s Eye
- Citrine
- Agate
- Carnelian
- Obsidian
- Unakite
- Emerald
- Garnet
- Chrysoberyl
Things to remember when you charge your crystals with moon water:
- Avoid soaking crystals underwater for long periods of time. Do not leave them unattended for hours.
- After receiving a new crystal, remember to cleanse and charge them right away. Regularly cleansing your crystals afterward is also recommended. Once a month is enough, or any other time when your crystals seem energetically heavy.
- While some crystals are safe in fresh water, others can’t handle salt water. Therefore, when creating a moon water and you aren’t sure if your crystals can withstand the latter, use water from a nearby stream instead to be safe. Rain water and tap water will also do.
How to Know Your Crystals Have Finished Charging
You will know that your crystals have finished charging if they feel energetically lighter. Hold your crystal in one hand, and if you can feel more energy from it, then it has finished charging.
On the other hand, you will also feel that your crystal needs charging if they seem energetically heavy like something is not right. Your own intuition will tell you when they are depleted of energy. When they do, remember to cleanse and charge them.
Crystals need to be charged to ensure they are full of positive energy. With the combination of the purifying energies of the full moon and water, moon water is one of the best ways to cleanse and charge your crystals.