What if you have the superpower to find out the truth in any situation, how would you use it? If you’re like me, your first thought would probably go to being a detective, judge, or human lie detector, because why not? Either way, it’s a super cool ability to have, right? But, when you think about it, law officers aren’t the only ones who would tremendously benefit from having a “truth discernment” super ability. Now, what if I told you that there may be crystals that can help you do, just that?
While these crystals don’t instantly awaken superpowers, what it does instead is to help you identify the truth yourself. Like a trusty compass, these crystals will guide you towards the truth. It will help you sift through the lies and look beyond the veil of illusions to get to the bottom of it.
In this day and age where it’s easy to get lost in the chaos of deception, misinformation, and fabrication, crystals can help as a clutch to guide you to what is factual. No matter how misty the road ahead of you may seem, you can count on the crystal in your hand to help you know the truth.
Ready to find out which crystals can help you find the truth? Let’s dive in!
Crystals That Could Help You Identify The Truth
Healing crystals are known to benefit our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. But they can also help us with on things that lean on the more metaphysical side of things, such as attracting wealth, providing protection, and connecting with our higher selves. Apart from those, they can also help us access powers that are beyond the scope of normal human abilities. Such as truth perception.
Although this isn’t strictly a “superpower” per se, we humans unfortunately aren’t privy to the truth all the time. Sadly, we’re easily drawn to lies. Somtimes, we don’t even know where we stand or where we should.
If I’m describing you, then take a look at the crystals below that could help you discern the truth–whether that’s in yourself or on others or on a situation.
Sodalite is a blue-white crystal known to bring harmony and inner peace in a person. This crystal is best if the truth you’re seeking is within yourself.
Too often, there are many things we don’t know, even when those things are about ourselves. Things such as, where we would want to go, what kind of future we want, or what kind of life we want. These answers are hidden within ourselves and we just have to either find it or acknowledge and accept it. If you’re aiming for clarity in mind, heart, and spirit, sodalite is one of the most helpful crystals to meditate with.
Lapis Lazuli
I highly recommend using lapis lazuli for those who are looking for the “truth” about themselves.
If there’s a problem you need answers to but can’t find any from external sources (such as other people), then it’s time to tune in to your inner wisdom. Your higher self provides the best guidance that you can use as a compass to find your way. Once you do, lapis lazuli will also help you communicate this truth effectively and compassionately.
Blue Lace Chalcedony (Agate)
Learn more about Blue Lace Chalcedony (Agate)
Sometimes we know the truth but we’re afraid to say it. Perhaps we’re trying to protect something, be it our fragile ego or our position. Maybe we want to spare others of getting hurt. Usually, however, we refuse to say our real thoughts and feelings because we’re afraid of what other people will think of us.
Blue Lace Agate will soothe that fear, encouraging you to be honest to yourself and to others. It promotes courage and calms our anxieties.
Blue Apatite
A lot of blue crystals connect to the Throat Chakra, which represents self-expression, communication, and our personal truth. As such, the blue variant of apatite does a great job in helping us become more open about ourselves to others.
This stone fights anxiety and stress while promoting creativity and self-confidence. It’s one of the best stones to carry when you’re going to speak in public.
Speaking of delivering a speech in public, another great stone that you can turn to whenever nervousness and anxiety creep in again is kyanite. If you need a crystal that could soothe your nerves right away, use kyanite.
In general, kyanite also connects with other major chakras, including the throat chakra, solar plexus chakra, and sacral chakra. If you feel you have energy blocks on multiple chakras, meditate with this crystal.
Aquamarine crystals aren’t just lovely to look at, but they are also effective for boosting healthy communication and vanquishing fear. If you’re going to deliver a speech or presentation in front of many people, wear aquamarine jewelry.
Other than those benefits, aquamarine also boosts intuition and helps you connect with your guardian angels. So, if you need guidance, calming, and confidence in one stone, aquamarine is your best bet.
Paraiba Tourmaline
Learn more about Paraiba Tourmaline
Paraiba tourmaline is a beautiful stone promotes truth and wisdom. It’s also associated with the throat and heart chakra. If I need clarification about something that only my inner self could answer, I would turn to paraiba tourmaline for its metaphysical and healing properties.
It will help you gain insight into things that you may have overlooked. Paraiba tourmaline is like that beacon of light that will lead you to the truth.
When faced with a problem or dilemma that we can’t seem to resolve on our own, we often turn to someone with more power, wisdom, and capabilities for guidance and help. Hackmanite can help you connect and communicate with your higher self. Our higher self knows the truth that we don’t, and it will help us discover it.
Hackmanite also improves communication and self-expression. What good is the truth if we can’t say it to those who needs to hear it? Giving us courage and confidence, hackmanite encourages us to communicate them effectively.
Aurora Quartz
Learn more about Aurora Quartz
Aurora quartz is a beautiful crystal that has tons of spiritual and metaphysical benefits. So, now you may be wondering, how is this power stone related to one’s pursuit of truth?
Working a bit differently than others, the high vibrations of aurora quartz will help you connect to your higher consciousness. It will help you receive guidance from spiritual beings in other dimensions and lets you decode their messages.
Another famously blue crystal, shattuckite can help you get the truth out. If you’re afraid to tell the truth because of hurting other people or end up persecuting yourself, shattuckite is your best ally. It will help you speak honestly and kindly while helping you to stick to the truth.
It’s easy to say that the truth will set us free but the process of doing so and the aftermath we have to face can be dreadful to think about. Shattuckite will shut down those fears and help you live with integrity.
Mohave Turquoise
Learn more about Mohave Turquoise
If there’s one crystal that is best for promoting honesty and truth, mohave turquoise checks all the items on the list. Mohave turquoise brings truth and clarity into your life, so if you have been wishing to live life authentically, you can meditate or wear this amazing crystal.
You can also turn to it if you need answers and clarification about things that are hidden from your view. Mohave turquoise imparts wisdom and promotes acceptance.
Melanite crystals promote truth, authenticity, and objectivity. This crystal erases all doubts and prejudice. It helps us become unbiased and truthful.
Moreover, if you believe you have been the victim of falsehood and unfairness, melanite can help you pursue and uphold the truth. It also gives you self-confidence and resistance especially in the face of disputes.
A rare and beautiful crystal, beneitoite is an excellent crystal for discovering and promoting the truth. Benitoite’s greatest strength is by helping you distinguish truths from falsehoods. If you are in a situation where you are unsure which is real and which isn’t, benitoite can help you out.
Besides that, other benitoite benefits include bringing inner peace, calm, and courage.
What other crystal symbolizes authenticity more than the crystal clear brilliance of diamond? Diamond isn’t just a pretty albeit expensive stone, but it is also an excellent crystal that provides healing, clarity, and inner peace.
Diamond signifies trust and truth. It fortifies relationships and strengthens communication, especially between partners. If you have a hard time opening up to someone, a diamond might help.
Learn more about Terraluminite
Terraluminite is one of the best stones for truth. Not only does it promote clarity and self-awareness, but it also connects with the Third-Eye Chakra where our intuition sits. If there are questions about yourself that you can’t seem to find answers to, meditate or wear terraluminite. It will give you a full view or at least a glimpse of who you really are.
This crystal can also help those who are indecisive and spiritless. It brings inner peace and promotes harmony.
Honey Opal
Bright and sunshiny honey opal crystals are effective for fostering authenticity and truth. It promotes honesty, openness, and sincerity.
This crystal will help you bring your best self to light, helping you shed the mask you wear in front of other people. It enhances self-confidence and promotes emotional healing. If you have been forced to hide your true self due to trauma and painful experiences, honey opal will help you in the process of healing. It will also encourage you to accept everything about you.
Scapolite is a stone that can help you unveil the truth. If you find yourself at a loss on what is real and what isn’t, use scapolite to gain mental clarity and insight.
You can also use this crystal if you want to know yourself better. It will help you discover things about yourself and bring those characteristics to light. It will also aid you to accept these truths and embrace them for they are part of who you are.
Scapolite also promotes self-confidence, intuition, and psychic abilities.
How to Use Crystals For Truth
There are also many ways in how you can utilize crystals to discover truth, whether that’s in yourself, in a situation, or in other people. Here are some tips:
Meditate with them. In crystal healing, meditating with crystals is proven to be the most effective way to enjoy its benefits. You can hold them in your hand. Alternatively, you can place it near a chakra point, such as your lips, throat, between your eyes, top of the head, and chest.
Wear them. It’s the easiest way to harness their energy. It’s even more effective if you wear them close to the seven main chakras, particularly the Third Eye, Throat, and Heart Chakras.
You can also place these crystals in areas where you spend a lot of time in, such as your room or office. It will promote honesty, sincerity, and openness in that place.
If the matters concering your truth seeking is quite serious, I advice going to an experienced crystal healer for help.
I also suggest pairing these crystals with other stones, depending on your intention. Some of the best crystals to pair it with are rose quartz, citrine, and clear quartz.
In the ancient world, crystals have been used for various metaphysical purposes, like gaining psychic abilities, clairvoyance, and divination. While truth seeking are neither those things, it’s still easy for anyone to get drawn into the web of lies. If you’re searching for truth or wanting to express it, the crystals I mentioned above are your best bet.
Most blue crystals are used for seeking the truth, enhancing one’s intuition, and boosting self-expression. However, there are also others that does the job pretty well, including the ones on this list.