In a life full of uncertainties and atrocities, it’s often considered normal to be on guard, alert, and in survival mode to get through daily. That there might be a time when you ask yourself, what’s the worth of all these hardships and sufferings?
Have you ever been faithful? Faith is an important aspect of many people’s lives and can give individuals a sense of purpose and meaning. For some, faith gives them a connection to a higher power or a belief system that helps them to understand the world around them and their place in it.
For others, faith provides a sense of community and support and a framework for moral and ethical behavior. Ultimately, the importance of faith will vary from person to person and may be based on individual beliefs and experiences.
Is it all worth it? It would be nicer if we could all live life to the fullest and live truthfully, according to divine purpose. This article is about Que Sera and how it can assist you in your everyday life.
Que Sera Meaning
Que Sera mineral stone can be found in Brazil. The stone varies in colors from Blue, Violet, Black, Yellow, Brown, and Grey.
Belonging to the numerous varieties of Rhyolite, it is a perfect blend of feldspar, Magnetite, Iron, Calcite, Leucozone, Kaolinite, and Blue Quartz is widely known as Galaxy Rhyolite.
This mineral stone is translucent to opaque and has blots inside that form like a cosmo or the galaxy, thus the reason for the name.
Que Sera is astrologically connected to all the zodiac signs.
The Que Sera Song
“Que sera, sera” is an Italian language phrase that means “whatever will be, will be.” It is often used as a personal philosophy to express acceptance and surrender, in which you let go of your need to control the future and trust that whatever happens will be for the best.
The phrase is often associated with a song from popular music, “Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be),” written by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans and popularized by Doris Day. Many people have adopted the phrase as their family motto.
The song has a cheerful, optimistic tone, encouraging you to let go of your fears and worries and trust that everything will work out for the best. And it highly resonates with the energy the mineral stone is bearing.
Que Sera Uses and Benefits
Que Sera’s physical attributes cause amazement in anyone who sees it. Its beauty can be used in several ways.
- Crystal show
- Crystal healing
- Meditative stone
- Aromatherapy
- Decoration
- Jewelry/ Accessory
- Charm/Amulet/Talisman
This fantastic stone is not physically pleasant but also possesses pleasurable healing and mystical properties that let it stand out above the rest.
Crystal Health Disclaimer
While crystals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog is not to be taken as medical advice. Additionally, you should always follow the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.
Que Sera Physical Benefits
Que Sera stone holds a strong vibration that can induce healing, protection, and restoration of the human body from the smallest unit to the biggest organs.
Que Sera Emotional Benefits
Que Sera possesses resonates high vibration that modifies, uplifts, and shifts one’s moods, thoughts, and emotions.
Que Sera Metaphysical Properties
Que Sera has high vibrational energy that can enhance and improve the person’s mystical abilities, promotes new spiritual experiences, and aids in spiritual growth and development.
Que Sera Meditation and Grounding
Que Sera is energetically suited for meditative practices and grounding energy. This mineral stone enables the individual to have a strong connection to the creator of cosmic evolution thus solidifying the faith in a higher being and greater being looking out for us.
Grounding energy with this mineral stone is very effective and long-lasting. This can help release built-up static electricity and improve the flow of energy in the body. And also this can help feel more centered and balanced, and can also reduce stress and anxiety.
Que Sera Chakras
Que Sera activates blocked and closed energy points. Its high vibrational energy balances and aligns all the chakra points in the body. Recharges and balances meridian points connecting to the organs of the physical body and the etheric body.
Que Sera Crystal Combinations
In meditation, Que Sera alone can be really powerful in setting intentions and manifestations, but you can yield maximum effect by pairing it with other crystals.
This crystal deepens concentration, clears long-held distress, and assists in accessing Akashic records. Its combination with Que Sera will solidify its present thinking and feeling, emptying the baggage of the past and resolving past lives’ spiritual lessons thus ensuring that it will no longer affect the individual in the present.
This crystal promotes serenity and peacefulness that aids in deep purification of the stuck energies and amplifies one’s vibration. Meditating with this crystal along with Que Sera will bring forth instant deep relaxation enabling one to reach the deepest of the subconscious and be able to clear every unchartered thought, feelings, and belief that is unconsciously affecting an individual’s waking life.
Charging and Cleansing
Que Sera has a splendid energy that needs replenishing and cleansing. You can recharge it by placing the crystal in a bowl of salt water overnight. The saltwater can help to cleanse and recharge the crystal, and can also help to remove any negative energies or vibrations. Also, by using a smudging ritual to cleanse and recharge the crystal.
This involves burning sage or another type of incense and wafting the smoke over the crystal. And by using a crystal singing bowl or other musical instruments to create vibrations that can recharge the crystal. This method involves placing the crystal near the instrument and allowing the sound waves to cleanse and recharge the crystal.
In summary, Que Sera is a mystical stone with celestial beauty and universal appeal that possesses the power to make you happy, live at peace, and make the most of your life. It will enable you to be optimistic, have an unwavering trust in the universe, and realize that every good and bad situation has a reason and spiritual lesson.
By embracing the philosophy of “Que sera, sera,” you can let go of your need to control the future and focus on enjoying the present moment and living your life to the fullest.