Tektite Meaning
Tektite came from the Greek word tēktos meaning molten or melted. Large meteorites entered the surface of the Earth melting and, when it cooled, became tektites. The chemical composition of this rock varies in color based on its location.
Tektites are like obsidian, however, they didn’t come from volcanos and are different because of their low water content. It has an extraterrestrial origin and is believed to be terrestrial rock here on Earth. However, there are arguments about the tektite origin. Although it was assumed that tektites are a formed molten material the argument remains if the high-energy impact came from Earth or the moon, the lunar origin theory.
The lunar origin theory states that tektites came from luna or the moon. The argument of the theory states that it is the behavior of the glass while at its melting point. This theory is still related to tektite’s origin and is still believed to be a part of its history, that the molten glass is an extraterrestrial material that guides us to the world outside of the Earth.
Tektite Uses and Benefits
Tektite originated around a million years ago and is beneficial in different ways. It is no wonder that it is believed to be powerful.
Crystal Health Disclaimer
While crystals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog is not to be taken as medical advice. Additionally, you should always follow the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.
Tektite Physical Benefits
This stone of terrestrial origin can offer you a lot of benefits for your physical body. While you should never replace professional treatment with crystal healing, many people have found that Tektites can be a supplemental healing aid.
Here are a few of the benefits that these stones have to offer:
Tektite Emotional Benefits
Tektites are believed to attract alignment in life. It provides you with the ability to unlearn old habits that do not serve you. It also gives you the strength to find clairvoyance.
Tektite Metaphysical Properties
Its extraterrestrial origin makes it known to believe that it can communicate with otherworldly realms. It connects your spirit to your spirit guides to achieve clarity and spiritual awareness.
Tektite Meditation and Grounding
In your meditation, you charge and energize your chakras. Meditating with your tektites you allow yourself’s aura to connect with your spiritual aura. This is your consciousness speaking to you and energizing you on your path to healing. Surround your atmosphere with positivity and let go of the negativity.
Tektite Chakras
Types of Tektite
There are four types of tektites: microtektites, muong-nong, splash form tektites, and australites.
Microtektites are recognized only in deep-sea sediments. They are smaller in size than large tektites because of their silica content which can be as low as 50 percent. They come in different forms and shapes but the most common is an oval or a sphere.
Muong Nong
Muong Nong is found in South East Asia specifically in Vietnam where it was found first, hence the name. They are recognized by the thick layering that they come with.
Splash-Form Tektite
Splash-form tektites are the large version of the microtektites, they come in shapes. They are also like the Muong nong tektites because of the layering found in them. Splash form is the marriage of the microtektite and the Muong Nong.
Australites have a flange around the edge that looks like a disc from the heat and the melting of the rocks. They are the 10 percent of the tektites that can be found in Australia. This type of tektite looks like a bowl.
These terrestrial rocks vary in size and color based on their location. However, the most common way to distinguish it from an Obsidian is based on its water content. Obsidian produces a lot of bubbles and foam when at its boiling point, while tektites produce less due to their low water content.
Tektites by Location
These sedimentary rocks are in tektite-strewn fields since they are only specific to places with low latitudes. These tektites can be found in associated craters in North American regions, from Western Australia to South Australia.
Even though these are rare rocks they are scattered all over the Earth, tektites can also be categorized by location and sometimes their name were given by the location they were found in.
For example, on the strewn fields in the Czech Republic near the Ries Crater, they are called Moldavite from the Moldau River where it was found. There is a Russian-strewn field as well in the Ural mountains. Tektites found there are known as Russian irgizites.
Tektite-strewn fields are the location where meteorite impact craters are, the largest is the Australasian strewn field where all types of tektites are found. It covers most of South East Asia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Java. It also stretches Southern China and all the way to the Indian Ocean in Tasmania, located in the South of Australia also known as the Australasian strewn field.
Meanwhile, a North American tektite-strewn field found the most splash-form tektites on the other side of the globe. North American tektites also include microtektites because of ocean abundance. Ivory coast tektites are also known for their splash-form tektites as well as their microtektites.
Tektite Crystal Combinations
While tektite is believed to have healing power, a little help is not so bad. Here are some crystals that help in boosting the aura of your tektites.
Hematite is a grounding stone that can help stabilize the properties of your Tektite. This will help improve the stone’s effects on your physical body.
Onyx is both a grounding stone and it is protective. This stone can help protect you while you meditate with the crystals.
Fluorite is a positive crystal that will keep you positively balanced when combined with your tektites.
Charging and Cleansing
It is important to cleanse your tektites before anything else, they could carry unnecessary negative energy from their past. Even from storage, it is a must to cleanse them before use. Here are 5 ways to cleanse your tektite:
Their history is not from this Earth’s surface yet they were discovered to aid in our healing. The powerful vibrations that your tektite brings help us connect our souls to the spiritual world that is out there.