This will remove any negative energies that may have accumulated over time, while also recharging its own energy reserves so it can continue doing what no other stone does best: channeling healing light into the world.
If you don’t want to go through all of these steps, there’s another alternative: take your moonstone with you on a walk outside! The natural sunlight and fresh air that you gather as you walk will help cleanse and recharge the stone for you. There’s even a full moon ritual that some people do, which involves leaving your stone outside on the night of a full moon so it can absorb energy from the moon itself.
You should always take time to cleanse crystals periodically to remove unwanted energy and fill them with fresh energy. With the moonstone in particular, following the lunar cycle can be very beneficial. You can use your own intuition to determine when to charge crystals, especially if you are at a higher energetic level.
Reasons to Cleanse and Charge Moonstone
There are many reasons why you should cleanse and charge your moonstone crystal. Moonstones are highly sensitive stones that pick up the energy around them, even if they’re stored away in a jewelry box or drawer. A good way to keep this from happening is to regularly cleanse and recharge the stone by placing it near saltwater or running water overnight.
This will remove any negative energies that may have accumulated over time, while also recharging its own energy reserves so it can continue doing what no other stone does best: channeling healing light into the world.
If you don’t want to go through all of these steps, there’s another alternative: take your moonstone with you on a walk outside! The natural sunlight and fresh air that you gather as you walk will help cleanse and recharge the stone for you. There’s even a full moon ritual that some people do, which involves leaving your stone outside on the night of a full moon so it can absorb energy from the moon itself.
There are many reasons why you should cleanse and charge your moonstone crystal. Moonstones are highly sensitive stones that pick up the energy around them, even if they’re stored away in a jewelry box or drawer.
When to Charge or Cleanse Your Moonstone
A good way to keep this from happening is to regularly cleanse and recharge the stone by placing it near saltwater or running water overnight.
This will remove any negative energies that may have accumulated over time, while also recharging its own energy reserves so it can continue doing what no other stone does best: channeling healing light into the world.
If you don’t want to go through all of these steps, there’s another alternative: take your moonstone with you on a walk outside! The natural sunlight and fresh air that you gather as you walk will help cleanse and recharge the stone for you.
How to Cleanse and Charge Moonstone
To begin, hold the moonstone in your dominant hand (the hand you write with) and cup it in both hands. Visualize a bright white light coming out of your third eye chakra (the spot between the eyebrows) and going into the stone.
You can also visualize a bright white light surrounding the stone, which will cleanse and recharge it.
Now that it’s cleansed, you can begin to charge your moonstone to give it its own energy. To do this, place the stone in front of an electric current (such as under a lamp with an electrical cord) or put it near a moving stream of water overnight.
Once you’ve charged it, the stone is ready to be cleansed by running water – either in a creek or in a body of saltwater. If you can’t do this, place it near a salt lamp overnight so the energy from the salt crystal will cleanse and recharge it for you.
You can also remove negative energy and charge your crystals by smudging. Place your crystals in the smoke of a burning sage or smudge stick for several minutes, then cleanse with running water or salt water.
You can also use a crystal grid to charge your crystals. Make a crystal grid of any size with your moonstone, rose quartz, amethyst, or any other stones you want to cleanse and charge. Once the grid is made, just sit or stand in front of it for ten minutes daily so the healing energy can soak into your body.