moon and field

Moonstone Affirmations for Meditation

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Moonstone is a stone that has been used for meditation and self-discovery for centuries. It’s been used to connect with the emotional, mental, and physical bodies in order to bring about healing. The idea behind each type of crystal healing is that crystals have properties that can be harnessed by humans through various means including meditation or saying affirmations.

Whether you want to have a time of reflection on your abundance and happiness, or you are trying to reach a higher vibration, using a moonstone can help you gain self-love. Self-knowledge is key to understanding what the crystal is doing.

Affirmations can be used any time of the day, but are normally done during meditation. I have found that there are many different ways to use these stones so it’s important to know what you are trying for before you begin practicing with them.

It is important to have faith in the power of your intuition, and you will get a better sense of peace from using the stones. Find a beautiful moonstone stone and meditate with it today!