Chohua Jasper
Chohua Jasper, also known by the names: Flower Jasper, Coffee Bean Jasper, Chinese Painting Stone, and Ziyu Stone, is an extremely rare gemstone that fosters emotional awareness and healing, spiritual communication, and alignment. It benefits people feeling burdened and overwhelmed, lost, and disconnected.
Pyrophyllite is a hydrated aluminum silicate known for its fan-like formation and dull to pearly appearance. While it's a mineral mostly applied for industrial purposes, pyrophyllite has been traditionally used to craft and sculpt various ornaments, including figures and seals.
Sandstone is a magnificent rock that has the power to relieve mental and emotional pressure, increase inner strength, and promote wisdom and discernment. It benefits people who feel stagnant, unfulfilled, and indecisive.
Scheelite is a lovely crystal famous for its diamond-like fire and luminescence. A crystal with many healing benefits to the mind and body, scheelite is also used by crystal enthusiasts for its ability to help in astral travel. It's a one-of-a-kind crystal that balances the subtle bodies, promotes creativity, and releases negative patterns to make room for the new.
Chinese Red Quartz
Chinese Red Quartz is an uncommon and exquisite crystal that secures, deeply heals, and fosters creative inspiration into life. Its potent energy aids in emotional healing and spiritual grounding. This crystal benefits people who feel discouraged, uninspired, and have low self-esteem.
Hausmannite is a rare tantalizing crystal that supports personal development, protective barriers, and spiritual growth. It helps people with anxiety, overattachment, and losing faith in themselves.
Champagne Aura Quartz
Champagne Aura Quartz crystals are famous for the names Majestic Champagne Aura and Smokey or Smoky Aura Quartz. This crystal aids in resolving mental, emotional, and spiritual turmoil and conflicts. It bridges the body and mind to the spirit, clears the blockages, and assists in acquiring spiritual wisdom and guidance.
Pink Sunstone
Pink Sunstone is a beautiful stone that fosters positivity, personal power, and manifestations. It also carries healing properties for the physical body and helps with stomach pains, throat problems, recovery, and stress. Pink Sunstones are powerful crystals that heal and balance emotions while bringing happiness in one's life.
Hubnerite is a one-of-a-kind enigmatic mineral. It bears potent energy that guides soul discovery, personal transformation, and spiritual journey. It benefits indecisive and doubtful people and procrastinators.
Poppy Jasper
Poppy Jasper is a beautiful and fiery stone that had taken its seat as one of the primary healing crystals in history. Its ability to impart energy and healing to the one who wears it makes it a popular choice for any crystal healer. This crystal is often used to heal pain, boost one's vitality, and balance the energies in the auric field and physical body. Truly, it's one of the best crystals to use for many purposes.
Blue Aventurine
Blue Aventurine is a breathtaking rare crystal possessing bewitching mystical properties that cater to personal transformation and spiritual attunement. It benefits people embarking on their spiritual journey, people amid their spiritual awakening, and fearful individuals.
Cinnabar Jasper
Cinnabar Jasper is a game-changing and beautiful stone that is so powerful with alchemy, magic, and transformation. This high vibrational crystal facilitates self-improvement, pursuing goals, manifesting desires, and spiritual transformation. It benefits spiritual practitioners and people with feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.
Lepidocrocite is a powerful stone with compelling energy for healing and protection. This beautiful reddish-brown gemstone connects with the heart and higher heart chakra the most. Its relationship with these chakras gives its users a deeper spiritual connection, a better sense of forgiveness, and an increased openness to love.
Limonite ores are yellow. This stone is a product of altering iron minerals. Limonite stones carry powerful energy, allowing them to bring about different physical and emotional benefits. It's mainly used for health issues related to blood circulation, digestion, respiration, and many more. It also helps you out of depression. Furthermore, Limonite gemstones bring you mental clarity, psychic abilities, and intuition.
Pyrope Garnet
Pyrope Garnet crystals are mesmerizing bright, firey red gemstones. These stones carry strong and powerful energies. It's used for easing anxieties and boosting courage and self-confidence. Pyropes are used for crystal healing for specific physical ailments. This crystal is also the traditional birthstone for those born in January.
Amethyst Herkimer Quartz
Amethyst Herkimer Quartz is one of the crystals with the highest spiritual vibration. It's an attunement stone with powerful and uplifting energy. Herkimer Diamonds have positive healing effects on a person's body. It's known to reduce pain, help with eyesight, and aid with detoxification.
Dianite is a unique dazzling stone that harnesses strong vibrations and helps with taking control, relinquishing the authentic self, and assisting significant transformation. This can help people who are embarking on their spiritual journey and is especially helpful during the night of the soul when people feel hopeless and purposeless.
Zircon is a popular zirconium silicate mineral, used throughout history as a gemstone and as a diamond simulant. A breathtakingly beautiful stone in its own right, zircon also possesses potent healing capabilities and protective powers that are acknowledged by the ancients ever since the beginnings of human civilization.
Hemimorphite is an incredibly unique piece of crystal that harnesses strong metaphysical power which accompanies personal transformation, modifies soulful connections, and synergizes purpose in life according to the divine plan. This is highly beneficial to spiritual practitioners, people on a soul journey, and people who feel out of control, unmotivated, and doubtful.
Diaspore is a good-looking, astonishing crystal with impressive mystical powers that aid in living with a positive and healthy mindset, give better-coping mechanisms, and assist in personal growth and development. This benefits everyone, especially those on their spiritual journey who are undecided and feel uncertain.
Rhyolite is essentially a volcanic rock, rich in silica and is formed during violent explosions. An uncommon igneous rock that is usually found near volcanoes worldwide, it's believed to have potent healing properties that can soothe not just the corporeal body, but especially the troubled mind and heart.
Mystic Topaz
Mystic Topaz is a mesmerizing crystal that possesses magical powers that aids to help bestows a positive mindset, attract good fortune, and manifest abundance. This can help people with feelings of stuckness, hopelessness, and helplessness.
Herkimer Diamond
Herkimer diamond is quite an exceptional ravishing quartz crystal that possesses superb resonance that secures, cleanses, and aligns the person physically, intellectually, and spiritually. This is highly beneficial to lightworkers, spiritual practitioners, and people with feelings of being stuck, lost, imbalanced, and confused.
Yellow Jade
Yellow jade is an uncommon gemstone that harnesses potent fire energy, aids in positive radical change within, and promotes stronger self-belief, self-definition, and self-identity. This benefits people with low self-worth, lack of self-trust, and victim mentality.
Azurite Malachite
Azurite Malachite is an excellent crystal formed by a great fusion between two powerful gemstones that aid self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-mastery. Its magnificent energy will highly assist people in fulfilling their destinies and creating their own reality.
Diopside is a majestic precious stone that holds unbelievable energy that unloads, unburdens, and unfreezes. This crystal can unload weighing destructive thoughts, unburden emotional baggage, unfreeze feelings, and uplift your vibration.
Stibnite is an orthorhombic mineral that looks like a long, shiny, and metallic-gray crystal that may be comparable to that of a hair sprout. It is also a soft crystal and must be handled with utmost care.
Marble is an ordinary stone with the extraordinary energy that brings out greatness, self-empowerment, and abundance in all shapes and forms. This powerful stone can help working individuals, students, business owners, and also those people with low self-esteem, indecisiveness, and people with inferiority complex.
Pietersite is a magnificent stone prized for its swirling patterns of colors, mostly comprised of golden brown and blues. Although only recently discovered in the southern regions of Africa, this stone has captivated many for its healing and protective powers. It's a highly useful stone for those who are practicing shamanic rituals and journeying to other dimensions via astral travel.
Spessartite or Spessartine Garnet is a lovely crystal known for its tremendous benefits to the physical body and mental well-being. A highly supportive and beneficial stone, it's considered to be one of the best crystals for all types of creatives and artists. It's also said to bring deep healing to anyone who uses it.
Morion Quartz
Morion Quartz is a variety of smoky quartz, known for its dark, opaque black color. It's used for its healing and spiritual properties, considered powerful for clearing and activating the chakras and fostering a strong connection to the divine. As a protective stone, it's believed to cleanse and purify the aura, promote psychic abilities, and enhance intuition.
Nirvana Quartz
Nirvana Quartz is a rare and unique type of quartz that is said to have spiritual properties that can benefit the body, mind, and spirit. It is said to help clear away negative energy and promote feelings of peace and tranquility. Nirvana Quartz is also thought to be helpful in meditation and helping to achieve a state of inner peace.
Mica is a healing crystal that has been used for centuries to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This crystal is thought to be helpful in restoring balance and harmony and is believed to promote feelings of love, peace, and happiness. Mica is also said to be helpful in clearing negative energy and promoting positive energy. Crystal healers often use mica to help cleanse and purify the aura.
Cassiterite is a healing crystal that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. It is known to benefit the body, mind, and spirit in a number of ways. There are several ways that Cassiterite can help you live a healthier, happier life.
Calligraphy Stone
The healing crystal Calligraphy Stone is said to have a variety of benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It is said to be especially beneficial in relieving stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation and peace, and enhancing spiritual awareness. Some people also believe that it can help to improve mental clarity and focus, increase creativity, and promote positive energy.
Pyromorphite is a protective stone that can be used to shield oneself from negative energies. It's also believed to bring wealth and prosperity to its caretaker, as well as promote positivity and healing in one's environment.
Cinnabar is a crystal with a long and varied history of use. It was once thought to be the philosophers' stone, and it has been used for everything from spiritual healing to protection against negative energy. Today, Cinnabar is still prized for its many benefits, including its ability to promote physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual awareness.
Chrysanthemum Stone
Chrysanthemum Stone is a crystal that has been used for healing for centuries. It is said to have a variety of benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. Some of these benefits include reducing stress and anxiety, improving mental clarity, and providing spiritual protection.
Green Jade
Green Jade is a healing crystal that has been used for centuries to promote physical and emotional well-being. It is said to be beneficial for the body, mind, and spirit, and can be used to treat a variety of conditions.
Chrysotile is a healing crystal that has been used for centuries to promote physical and spiritual health. It is said to have many benefits, including promoting peace of mind, assisting you in meeting your goals, and providing protection against negative energy. Chrysotile is also believed to help with emotional healing, stress relief, and increasing your overall well-being.
Bronzite is a rare type of crystal that has been revered since ancient times. It is also known as the "stone of transformation" and helps to bring about change in people's lives. These properties make it an excellent choice for healing crystals, especially when working with past life connections or karma from this life.
Barite is a healing crystal that has many benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It is said to be helpful in relieving stress, anxiety, and tension. Additionally, barite is known to boost confidence and self-esteem while promoting positive thinking.
Turquoise is a beautiful blue-green stone with a long history of use in both the metaphysical and physical worlds. Prized for its intense color, turquoise has been used for jewelry, carvings, and other decorative items for centuries. In addition to its beauty, turquoise is also known for its many benefits.
Rhodochrosite is a beautiful pink and red mineral that has been used for healing purposes for centuries. It is said to be especially beneficial for the heart and circulatory system and can help to balance emotions and promote self-love. Rhodochrosite is also said to be helpful in spiritual growth, promoting compassion and understanding.
Actinolite is a healing crystal that can help you to feel more grounded and centered, while also helping with communication. It's great for anyone who struggles with feelings of insecurity or worry.
Rose Calcite
Rose calcite is a type of healing crystal that is known to have calming and soothing energy. It can be used to promote feelings of self-love, peace, and compassion, making it a great choice for those who are looking to boost their emotional wellbeing.
Xenotime is a healing crystal that has been used for centuries to promote balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit. It is said to be especially beneficial in restoring energy and vitality, and in helping to overcome stress and anxiety.
Jade is a healing crystal that has been used for centuries to bring about balance in the body, mind, and spirit. It is known to promote calmness, peace, and serenity, and can be especially helpful in times of stress or anxiety. Jade is also said to boost energy levels and increase vitality.
Hematite is an iron oxide mineral prized for its grounding and protective properties. It offers a tranquil retreat for the mind, anchoring you firmly to the present and washing away negativity. It's a beacon of serenity and strength, enhancing peace and self-confidence. Ideal for anyone seeking calm or courage in the face of anxiety or depression, hematite is your steadfast companion on the journey to relaxation and self-empowerment.
Blue Lace Chalcedony (Agate)
Blue lace chalcedony, also known as the blue lace agate, is a variety of the mineral quartz that has been stained blue by exposure to natural copper. It ranges in color from light sky-blue to deep indigo, with lighter and darker striations running through it.
Fluorite is a crystal that has been used for centuries as a healing stone. Fluorite meaning and uses are primarily spiritual, but it also has many physical benefits as well. Pure fluorite is a stone of mental and physical regeneration. It enhances the body's vital energies, bringing strength and vigor to both body and mind.