Chinese Red Quartz
Chinese Red Quartz is an uncommon and exquisite crystal that secures, deeply heals, and fosters creative inspiration into life. Its potent energy aids in emotional healing and spiritual grounding. This crystal benefits people who feel discouraged, uninspired, and have low self-esteem.
Steatite is a charming common stone with supernatural powers that support optimum physical, emotional health and spiritual well-being. Its powerful energy benefits people with restlessness, ungroundedness, and people with feelings of low self-esteem.
Magnetite, also known by the names Magnetic Hematite and Lodestone, is a highly accessible mineral on Earth and possesses marvelous metaphysical powers that bring in goodness, repel undesirable things, and brings back fairness. It is the most magnetic mineral that benefits people embarking on their spiritual journey, energy healers, and people who are indecisive, unmotivated, and feeling lost.
Rainforest Jasper
Rainforest Jasper is a beautiful healing crystal recognizable for its hodgepodge colors of green and brown. A premier stone used for Earth healing rituals and establishing one's connection with nature, rainforest jasper is a beloved stone by environmentalists, conservationists, and everyone concerned with the welfare of our home planet. It's also a crystal noted for its impeccable healing powers on the mind and body.
Epidote is a greenish crystal that is known for its amplifying powers. Used to magnify energies, positive or negative, epidote is a stone that should be carried and applied to one's daily life with caution. Depending on what kind of energy you nurture, epidote can be your greatest ally in achieving spiritual growth or one that hinders you from getting there. Other than that, epidote can be a powerful crystal to manifest the life you want.
Iolite is a beautiful and enchanting stone famous for its royal blue and purple hues. A stone that resonates with the higher chakras, iolite is often called the "Stone of Muses" and the "Stone of Vision" for its ability to enhance the imagination and intuition of an individual. Not only popular for its striking beauty, iolite is also used for healing, protection, and meditation.
Fluorapatite is a versatile healing crystal with tons of benefits to the mind, body, and spirit. Available in many colors including transparent varieties, this beautiful crystalline mineral often gets mistaken for other more expensive stones like beryl, aquamarine, and topaz. Metaphysically, it's used to balance the energies in the physical and subtle bodies to achieve harmony and overall healthier well-being.
Macedonian Green Opal
Macedonian Green Opal is a stunning gemstone known for its many healing properties. It's been said that a Macedonian Green Opal helps people who are in a turbulent emotional crisis, as it helps soothe and calm a person down. This rare and beautiful stone is perfect for the heart chakra and is believed to have the ability to bring inner tranquility even to one who is deeply disturbed by emotional trauma.
Cinnabar Jasper
Cinnabar Jasper is a game-changing and beautiful stone that is so powerful with alchemy, magic, and transformation. This high vibrational crystal facilitates self-improvement, pursuing goals, manifesting desires, and spiritual transformation. It benefits spiritual practitioners and people with feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.
Ethiopian Opal
Ethiopian Opal is a variant of opal mined and found in Ethiopia. There are many different types of opals found in Ethiopia. Still, plenty of today's specimens from the country are considered to be among the most beautiful and durable in the world. A stone of many mystical powers, Ethiopian opal is also a subject of myths and legends because of its ability to heal, protect, and purify its wearer.
Monazite is an unparalleled mineral with extraordinary properties that help you see the best in yourself, strengthen you, ascend to the best of your ability, and help people with unworthiness, depression, and lack of purpose.
Heulandite is a high-vibrational stone carrying a powerful energy that aids emotional healing. It boosts personal transformation and spiritual growth. This crystal can help people embarking on their spiritual journey and people with feelings of stuckness, emotionally exhausted, and burden.
Muscovite is a powerful healing and grounding crystal that can help one see things more clearly and make better decisions. An ideal stone for those who are in pursuit of learning or wanting to connect with their higher self, muscovite can help you access knowledge of all kinds and obtain wisdom.
Hemimorphite is an incredibly unique piece of crystal that harnesses strong metaphysical power which accompanies personal transformation, modifies soulful connections, and synergizes purpose in life according to the divine plan. This is highly beneficial to spiritual practitioners, people on a soul journey, and people who feel out of control, unmotivated, and doubtful.
Diaspore is a good-looking, astonishing crystal with impressive mystical powers that aid in living with a positive and healthy mindset, give better-coping mechanisms, and assist in personal growth and development. This benefits everyone, especially those on their spiritual journey who are undecided and feel uncertain.
Stichtite is a rare, hydrated magnesium chromium carbonate mineral known for its vibrant purple or pink color. A stunning crystal that possesses magnificent supernatural abilities, stichtite facilitates viewing things in higher perspective, altruism, and adaptability. Its healing energy can aid people experiencing dissatisfaction and depression.
Mystic Topaz
Mystic Topaz is a mesmerizing crystal that possesses magical powers that aids to help bestows a positive mindset, attract good fortune, and manifest abundance. This can help people with feelings of stuckness, hopelessness, and helplessness.
Yellow Jasper
Yellow Jasper is a widely available precious stone with a powerful mystical energy that can help boost endurance, perseverance, and inner strength, thus withstanding any obstacles in life. This benefits people who cannot handle crises, have low self-respect and are hypersensitive to criticism.
Angel Wing Calcite
Angel wing calcite is a rare high vibrational heavenly crystal that bestows serene peace, perfect balance, and harmony within oneself. Its energy encourages a greater sense of well-being, self-confidence, and personal fulfillment.
Picasso Jasper
Picasso jasper is a rare, pretty striking stone that holds unyielding energy that assists with the person’s radical change, recognition of opportunities, and realizing divine life’s purpose. Its energy benefits those easily-stressed, disconnected, and weak-willed people.
Marcasite is a magnificent mineral stone with marvelous mystical abilities that can assist you in making radical changes in your life. Its tremendous magical power aids in Eliminating self-limiting beliefs, cutting out unhealthy attachments, and igniting true desire.
Yellow Moonstone
Yellow Moonstone is a captivating healing crystal that optimizes the body functions, modifies the mind and emotions, and enhances spiritual abilities. Its nurturing energy assists with anxiety, depression, stress, and insomnia. Moonstone healing properties are helpful to people who are feeling stuck, mentally blocked, and unmotivated.
Moldavite is an extremely rare and powerful crystal recognizable by its forest green, glassy appearance. A crystal of cosmic origins, it is said to possess the power to connect one from the material realm to the higher dimensions and to initiate the transformation of the Earth--a power that is beyond what any known crystal can possibly do.
Gabbro is fantastic healing crystals that can be used in meditation to focus on oneself, particularly if you want to improve your capacity to see visions or to have a greater connection with the spiritual realm.
Cinnabar is a crystal with a long and varied history of use. It was once thought to be the philosophers' stone, and it has been used for everything from spiritual healing to protection against negative energy. Today, Cinnabar is still prized for its many benefits, including its ability to promote physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual awareness.
Vesuvianite, or idocrase, is a powerful and highly versatile crystal that has countless healing properties. It is believed to be a calming stone that helps release pent-up anger and negative emotions. Also, it is said to have healing benefits for the physical body, particularly the heart and the digestive system.
Tangerose Quartz
Tangerose Quartz is a beautiful stone that's known to possess a great number of benefits. It's a highly versatile crystal that can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used to heal the mind and body, as well as act as a channeling crystal to receive guidance and secret knowledge from the ancients. This crystal can also help you achieve peace with your past and encourage harmony in your relationships.
Blue Apatite
Blue Apatite is a healing crystal that has many benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It is known to help with weight loss, anxiety, stress relief, and increasing mental clarity. Blue Apatite also helps connect the user with their spiritual side, making it a great choice for those looking to increase their spiritual awareness. This crystal is also helpful for those who are seeking to connect with their past lives.
Chrysoberyl is a healing crystal with a host of benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It is said to be one of the most powerful crystals in the world and can help you achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and manifest your desires.
Seraphinite is a type of healing crystal that is said to have many benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It is believed to help with relaxation, stress relief, and peace of mind. Additionally, Seraphinite is thought to be helpful in restoring balance and harmony within the body and promote creativity and intuition.
In the world of crystals, there are many types and each type has its own unique properties. These properties can be used for a variety of purposes, from bringing clarity to the mind to aiding in physical healing or emotional well-being. One loved crystal that has a range of uses is Jasper.
Andalusite is a healing crystal that has many benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It is known to help with anxiety, stress, and depression and improve communication and relationships. Andalusite also helps to increase intuition and psychic abilities, making it a powerful stone for spiritual growth.
Quartz is the most common and abundant mineral on Earth. It is found in all types of rock but is most often seen in granite and other igneous rocks. Quartz has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, making it durable enough to be used in jewelry. It is also very popular in crystal healing, removing negative energy so that you can move forward in a positive light.
Pink Tourmaline
Known as a stone of love and compassion, pink tourmaline is often used to promote emotional healing. It can help you forgive yourself and others, release anger and resentment, and connect with your inner child. As a result, it can help you feel more peaceful and loving.
Apatite is a healing crystal that can help with a range of metaphysical properties. This makes it an ideal tool for those who are looking to work on both the body, mind, and spirit all at once. It also has practical applications in our lives as well as spiritual ones. Namely, apatite can help to increase our productivity, motivation, and creativity.
Ametrine is a unique and powerful healing crystal that can benefit the body, mind, and spirit in many ways. It is made of a combination of amethyst and citrine, both of which are known for their incredible healing properties.
Aventurine is a type of quartz crystal that has been found to be an excellent stone for healing. It is also known as the luck-bringing gemstone and it has been used in many cultures throughout history, including ancient Rome and China.
Morganite is a stone of creativity, intuition, and gentleness. It can be used to balance emotions, soothe stress or anxiety, and bring about calmness in an otherwise hectic life. Morganite has been traditionally used as a gemstone for healing purposes because it's believed to help with conditions such as insomnia, headaches, depression, overcoming trauma, and general anxiety.
Lava Stone (Basalt)
Lava stone is a healing crystal that has been used for centuries to promote physical and spiritual healing. It is said to be one of the most grounding stones available and can help connect you with the earth's energy.
Angelite is a healing crystal that has many benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It is a type of selenite that can help to clear away negative energy and promote feelings of peace and calm. Angelite can also be used to connect with the angelic realm and promote guidance from angels in your life.
Malachite is a powerful healing crystal that can benefit the body, mind, and spirit. It is known to help with physical ailments such as stomach problems, liver issues, and joint pain. Malachite also helps to boost mental clarity and protect against negative energy. Spiritually, malachite is known to help with spiritual growth and enlightenment.