Keeping your chakras in balance is an important part of maintaining alignment and harmony within ourselves and with the world around us. Chakra balancing is a great way to remove the negative energy built up by stress, anxiety, and other influences that can harm our ability to be our true selves.
While all our chakras are important, the Third Eye chakra allows our deeper spiritual connection, and without centering and balancing its energies, we may find ourselves lost and troubled.
This article will explain exactly what our Third Eye chakra is, what it does for us, and the importance of maintaining a balanced third eye chakra. We will also cover the best crystals to use to achieve balance, as well as the best methods and benefits.
What is the Third-Eye Chakra?
There are 114 total chakras in our bodies, but only seven are considered the foundational chakras, also known as the seven primary chakras or seven major chakras. Each of these seven chakras is the center point in our chakra system, guiding energy from the spirit world through our human body.
The Third Eye chakra is the sixth chakra. Above is our Crown chakra (7th), and below is the Throat chakra (5th). It is located between our eyebrows just above our eyes. It is often related to the pineal gland, which is located in the same area.
Chakra Healing Crystal Set
The 7 Chakra ‘Blissful Healing’ Set is a unique ensemble designed to balance and activate the body’s chakras, fostering a harmonious flow of energy. It includes seven meticulously selected natural stones, each corresponding to a specific chakra, along with a multi-crystal dowsing pendulum for spiritual guidance and energy assessment. This set is crafted to aid in personal growth, grounding, and self-discovery, making it an essential tool for anyone on a journey of spiritual well-being.
At home, the Blissful Healing set can be used in various ways:
- Meditation: Enhance your daily meditation by placing the stones on the corresponding body parts.
- Room Energizing: Position the stones in living spaces to harmonize and uplift the energy.
- Healing Practices: Integrate into reiki or healing sessions for added spiritual support.
- Personal Reflection: Use the pendulum to gain insights into personal questions or decisions.
- Chakra Balancing: Regularly engage with each stone to maintain chakra alignment and energy flow.
Also referred to as the Ajna chakra (to perceive), the Third Eye chakra operates much like the eyes in our physical body for the spirit world. A clear and balanced Third Eye chakra can allow us to have greater spiritual awareness and spiritual development and help us to achieve higher consciousness. Many also believe that the development of our Third Eye will enhance psychic abilities or psychic powers.
The Third Eye is where we gain our spiritual insight and intuition. Its connection to the spirit world helps us better understand the physical world. A healthy Third Eye chakra can help us achieve much greater emotional balance, making it one of the most important chakras for emotional stability.
We develop our Third Eye during our teenage years, usually around age 14. In many ancient cultures, this is when a person was considered an adult, as this is about the age most people have a spiritual awakening and begin to develop the necessary inner guidance needed to become a full member of society.
Signs of an imbalanced Third Eye chakra:
- Headaches or dizziness
- Sight issues like blurred vision or blindness
- Unable to properly stay focused
Experiencing such problems can mean your connection to the spiritual world is severed due to a blocked Third Eye chakra.
Keep in mind that issues with one particular chakra can mean that other chakras are also out of alignment and are contributing to the problems. This can go both ways, as a blocked Third Eye can throw other chakras out of balance as well.
Our chakras are all connected. An imbalanced Third Eye will have lasting effects on our Sacral chakra or Heart chakra, just as our Crown chakra, Root chakra, or Solar Plexus chakra will affect our Third Eye.
Best Crystals to Balance Your Third-Eye Chakra
Balancing your Third Eye chakra can take some considerable energy, and utilizing the healing properties of certain crystals and stones can be helpful. The best Third Eye chakra stones and crystals are ones associated with the Third Eye based on their inherent energy.
One of the most powerful Third Eye crystals. Amethyst has been known to cure headaches and has been used in many cultures as a symbol of peace. This crystal inspires calmness and spiritual balance.
Lapis Lazuli
This stone is directly related to intellect and truth, two very important aspects of the Third Eye chakra. Connection with Lapis Lazuli has been known to increase spirituality and self-awareness, allowing for greater trust in one’s own inner wisdom.
Known for its curative properties in relation to eye and sight issues, labradorite is one of the most powerful upper chakra stones. It is best used as a vessel for expanding your creativity and connection to higher consciousness. Labradorite is also an incredibly strong Crown chakra stone.
This blue crystal has been used extensively to treat issues in the head and brain, such as headaches, as well as helping to open pathways to our psychic abilities. It is also good for healing your third chakra, the Solar Plexus.
Amazing for developing mental acuity, purple fluorite helps us to think and act more clearly. This crystal is named after the Latin “flux,” which means to flow, allowing us to interact more fluidly through spiritual communication.
How to Balance Your Third-Eye Chakra With Crystals
Once you’ve found the healing crystals and stones you want to use for Third Eye chakra healing, you must prepare for the crystal healing process.
The first thing you need to do is make sure your crystals themselves are balanced and energized. There are a number of methods for doing this, and while it may take some extra time, it is a very important part of achieving true balance.
Crystals can pick up negative energies from anywhere they have been, and bringing that negative energy in can have adverse effects on our Third Eye chakras.
There is no set way to balance our Third Eye chakra. The only way to truly know if your Third Eye is balanced is through your own connection to the spirit world and feelings of self-awareness. With that said, below are two different methods you can start with as you find what works best for you.
Single Crystal Healing
Step 1
Sit, stand, or lie down with your back and neck completely straight.
Step 2
Close your eyes and calm yourself into a deep meditation.
Step 3
Holding your crystal in your non-dominant hand, place the crystal or stone directly on your Third Eye chakra.
Step 4
With your dominant hand, guide the spiritual energy toward your Third Eye chakra stone and into your Ajna chakra.
Step 5
Continue or repeat this process until you feel your mental clarity and spiritual awareness increase.
Multiple Crystal Healing
Step 1
Place your crystals and stones in a meaningful pattern on a flat surface. This can be in a small area like a table or on the floor or ground around the area you are in.
Step 2
You may use a singing bowl or burning sage to help draw the energy from the crystals if you like.
Step 3
Sit, stand, or lie down with your back and neck completely straight.
Step 4
Close your eyes and calm yourself into a deep meditation.
Step 5
With your thumb facing inward, place the index finger of your non-dominant hand directly on your Third Eye chakra.
Step 6
Continue or repeat this process until you feel your mental clarity and spiritual awareness increase.
Benefits of Balancing Your Third-Eye Chakra
When your Third eye chakra is blocked, you will feel as though your personal power over your life and emotions has been completely drained. Balancing your Third Eye chakra will help renew your spiritual connection to the world around you and the spiritual energy already inside you. This kind of spiritual awareness would be impossible with an unbalanced Ajna chakra.
A fully balanced Third Eye will give you an amazing sense of mental clarity, making it much easier to trust your own intuition. Not only will this allow you to achieve your personal goals much quicker, but it will also invite spiritual growth in a way you have not experienced.
When you are able to remove negative energy and balance your Third eye, your ability to see and understand both the physical and spiritual world will be greatly enhanced. As you become more connected with every part of the world around you, you will be able to handle the problems you experience in your day-to-day lives much easier, leading to a much healthier and more stable emotional well-being.
Some have even claimed that the spiritual practice of balancing and opening their Third eye chakra has given them psychic abilities.
As you can see, you don’t need to be a master healer to balance your Third Eye chakra. Of course, it will take a while before you understand and master all the knowledge related to control over your chakras, but that will all come in time.
Start slowly, focusing on one or a few of the different chakras, and once you’ve mastered all the upper chakras, then move on to mastering the lower chakras. In no time, you will have complete balance and control over your energy centers, leading to a more full and meaning-filled life.