Rose Quartz is a stone of love and forgiveness. It is the ultimate heart healer, used to open up one’s self to receive love from others. It can be a great tool for meditation or saying affirmations in order to feel more loving towards oneself and others around them!
Black tourmaline is a powerful stone that is known for its ability to protect against negative energy and electromagnetic radiation. It is also said to be helpful in promoting self-confidence and removing self-doubt. In addition, black tourmaline is thought to be beneficial for the immune system and can help to purify the body’s systems.
Jade is a healing crystal that has been used by many cultures for centuries. It is known to promote physical and emotional well-being, and can be helpful in meditation or saying affirmations. Jade is a stone of the heart that brings love and good fortune to its owner. It can be used for any type of healing but works especially well with emotional issues, such as stress relief and insomnia.
Emerald is a gemstone with healing properties. It can be used to heal the mind, body, and spirit by balancing your energies through meditation or saying affirmations. Emeralds are also known for their ability to increase creativity and improve relationships. They are believed to help you see things from new perspectives and give you greater clarity of thought.
Peridot is a crystal with healing properties that can be used through meditation or saying affirmations. It is known to help promote positive thoughts and actions, as well as increase self-confidence. Peridot can also be helpful in releasing anger and resentment and bringing about forgiveness.
Lapis lazuli is a crystal that has been used for centuries to promote peace, healing, inner strength, and wisdom. It can be worn as jewelry or placed on an altar in your home. Lapis Lazuli is known for bringing out the best qualities of the wearer and providing protection against negative energies.
Amethyst crystals are natural stones that can be used to promote healing through meditation or affirmation. Amethyst crystal healers believe that amethyst has the ability to cleanse the aura, balance energy fields, and stimulate spiritual awareness, which are all aspects of wellness for humans.
Moonstone is a stone that has been used for meditation and self-discovery for centuries. It’s been used to connect with the emotional, mental, and physical bodies in order to bring about healing. The idea behind each type of crystal healing is that crystals have properties that can be harnessed by humans through various means including meditation or saying affirmations.
Labradorite is a powerful healing crystal that can be used in meditation and daily affirmations to promote balance and calm. This stone is beneficial for people with mental disorders, such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.
Lepidolite is a stone that has been used for centuries to help with emotional healing. Lepidolite crystals are often used in crystal therapy because they tend to balance the energies of both sides of your brain, which can help relieve stress and anxiety.