The rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart to all types of love – love of self, love of family, love between partners…the list goes on! It reminds you that there is so much beauty and love in this world and in your life.
I personally like to use rose quartz when I’m craving unconditional love. This could mean the love of a significant other, but it can also mean self-love.
22 Rose Quartz Affirmations
Using rose quartz affirmations can help heal deep emotional wounds that disrupt your inner peace and ability to give you the self-love you need to thrive. Through crystal healing, you can improve your self-esteem by using affirmations through the deep breaths of your meditation.
Try out the following rose quartz affirmations the next time you use your rose quartz stone:
I am love and I accept all the love that is coming my way.
I deserve to give and receive unconditional love.
Unconditional love heals everything. I open myself up to it without condition or judgment.
Loving-kindness is the medicine for every ailment of the soul. I share it with everyone I come into contact with.
The more love I give, the more I receive. It’s a win-win situation!
My heart chakra is open and allows me to fully embrace unconditional love in my life.
I am a loving person who deserves all the love in the world.
I am surrounded by love every moment of the day. I give and receive it freely!
The more love I give, the more I receive. Everything is reciprocal!
My heart is open to receiving all forms of unconditionally loving energy from others and myself.
Fear has no place in my life. I am open to receiving all forms of unconditional love from myself and others!
I unconditionally love myself first before I can truly feel that same loving energy from others.
The more love I give, the more I receive it back – with interest!
I am an open channel of love – ready to receive it and give it freely. I deserve the love in the world.
All forms of unconditional love are healing for me right now!
Every day, my heart is opening up little by little to joy, happiness, and true unconditional love.
I am made of love and only love – there is nothing more to fear.
I unconditionally love myself and allow others to unconditionally love me too!
The world loves and supports me in every endeavor I take on.
I trust that unconditional love is the solution to all my problems.
I choose to open my heart to unconditional love for all living beings.
I am worthy of receiving unconditional love because I unconditionally love myself!
When you feel like nothing is going your way and you can’t seem to muster up any gratitude, turn to rose quartz affirmations! Simply take a few deep breaths and repeat these simple statements. You’ll be amazed by how quickly you start feeling better about the situation at hand.
How to Practice Affirmations with Rose Quartz
When it comes to giving gratitude, many people struggle with manifesting what they need. They can’t seem to make enough time to write down what they are grateful for or to really feel it in their heart. That’s why rose quartz affirmations for gratitude can be such a powerful tool!
When you say thanks through your affirmations, you not only open yourself up to receive more from the universe, but you also shift your energy so that you’ll attract even more good things.
When you say these rose quartz affirmations, try to make them your own by personalizing them even more! For example, instead of saying “I’m grateful for my loving family,” why not try something like “I’m grateful that I have the best family in the world!” Make it as passionate and meaningful to you as possible.
I like to focus on my heart chakra when meditating with rose quartz because it opens me up to receive all forms of love. It’s easy for me to get caught up in my thoughts and lose myself in the chatter. The more I can simply observe and not judge, the better! It helps me to be present and enjoy what it is that I’m experiencing at any given moment. Admittedly, it’s a tall order for someone as Type A as me but it’s definitely worth practicing!