Using crystals to help balance your energy is one of the best ways to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and have a ton of other health benefits.
The problem is that the positive energy of these healing crystals is weakened over time due to the negative energy they absorb. To replenish your crystals, you will want to remove the unwanted energy.
There are several ways to perform your crystal cleansing process and recharge their natural energy, from burying crystals to letting them absorb direct sunlight. However, one of the most effective ways to cleanse crystals is with your breath.
It is well known that the breath of a person with a clear mind and positive thoughts can return a crystal’s energy to its natural state. Below we will guide you through your cleansing process, from how to properly prepare your mental state to which crystals respond to breath cleansing.
How to Cleanse Crystals With Your Breath
Here is how you can cleanse your favorite crystals with your breath:
Clear Your Mind
To cleanse crystals of unwanted energies with the healing power of your breath, you first want to clear your mind of any negative energy. Place yourself into a deep meditative state to maintain a positive mindset through the entire cleansing.
Deep Breaths
Find a comfortable flat surface to sit on and take a deep breath, focusing your mind. Hold the crystal in your nondominant hand and breathe forcefully and rapidly on the crystals directly. Wave your other hand away from you over the crystal to facilitate the cleansing method. Continue this for about a minute to complete the cleansing.
Removing negative energies is not the only goal while breath cleansing. It is also important to use this to charge crystals back up. It can be helpful to cleanse your crystals outside as natural light will absorb unwanted energy, allowing the stone’s energy to refill with positive healing vibes.
What Happens When Cleansing Crystals With Your Breath?
When it comes to cleansing and healing stones, you definitely want to keep them in their best possible state.
Why Does Breathing Cleanse Some Crystals?
Be mindful that not all crystals can be cleansed with your breath. Typically smaller crystals are more receptive to breath cleansing than large ones. Also, porous stones can absorb cleansing breath more easily than hard stones.
The energies absorbed by some crystals can more easily be cleansed through breath. These crystals are perfect for removing toxicity related to stress and anxiety. Some other crystals that are better for physical healing will require a more rigorous method of cleansing, as these types of energies are sometimes stronger.
Other natural cleansing methods will be needed to expel the toxic vibes from your other crystals. Cleansing your crystals and other stones with something other than your breath can take a bit more setup as you will need some extra items to begin recharging your crystal’s energy.
Cleansing Stones and Crystals With Other Methods
Singing Bowls
The natural vibrations from Tibetan singing bowls are one of the best ways to recharge your crystals. Set your crystals next to the bowl to allow them to absorb the gentle vibrations created like a “sound bath,” the sound radiates from the singing bowl.
SAge Stick
Burn sage sticks and let the sacred smoke cleanse crystals of any negative energy they may have. This sacred plant has been used by Natives for centuries to remove unwanted and negative energy and spirits.
Place your crystals into fresh saltwater. Keep them completely submerged for a few hours until all negative energy has been expelled.
Moonlight cleansing/Sunlight cleansing
Place your crystals under a full moon or sunlight to recharge them. The feminine energy from the white light of a full moon is fine. However, direct sunlight may harm your crystals, so keep them in the shade and allow the radiant light to clear negative energy.
Submerge your crystals a few inches deep in a bowl of brown rice to allow the negative energy to be absorbed.
Crystals That Are Cleansed With Your Breath
The best crystals for breath cleansing are Elestial quartz crystals and crystals that open higher chakras.
These include:
- Selenite
- Amethyst Geodes
- Clear Quartz
- Smoky Quartz
- Rose Quartz
If you diligently and properly cleanse crystals with your breath regularly, you will find it easier to maintain a clear mind in your day-to-day life. Healing crystals work better when brought to the proper energetic level. They can then be used to help relieve you of your stress and anxiety, keeping you active and in good spirits.
Remember that smaller stones and crystals respond better to breath cleansing than larger ones, making it the perfect method for when you are out and about. A crystal necklace can instantly absorb the stresses of work and is easily cleansed when you have a moment to spare. This will keep you in a great mood throughout your day without carrying around some items other cleansing methods require.