Jamesonite is a striking mineral that can power you up, elevate your trust in yourself, and support your transformation. It benefits people with low self-esteem, fear, and not being a risk taker.
Hubnerite is a one-of-a-kind enigmatic mineral. It bears potent energy that guides soul discovery, personal transformation, and spiritual journey. It benefits indecisive and doubtful people and procrastinators.
Lepidocrocite is a powerful stone with compelling energy for healing and protection. This beautiful reddish-brown gemstone connects with the heart and higher heart chakra the most. Its relationship with these chakras gives its users a deeper spiritual connection, a better sense of forgiveness, and an increased openness to love.
Vivianite is a one-of-a-kind vivacious crystal that harnesses mystical powers that encourages personal transformation and spiritual growth. Its energy benefits people who feel restless, burned out, and lacking enthusiasm.
Monazite is an unparalleled mineral with extraordinary properties that help you see the best in yourself, strengthen you, ascend to the best of your ability, and help people with unworthiness, depression, and lack of purpose.
Wavellite is a powerful stone that holds magnificent energy that reshapes one’s perspective, develops one’s self-acceptance, and strengthens one’s convictions. Its energy assists individuals to be whole again, to be compassionate of others, and unite with divine purpose.
One of the most powerful gemstones is the Danburite. Danburite will assist you in receiving vivid messages from a higher consciousness, amplifying deep inner knowing and realizing divine purpose. It's suitable for empaths, light workers, and emotionally wounded people in overcoming pain, anxiety, feelings of being stuck, and self-doubt.
Cassiterite is a healing crystal that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. It is known to benefit the body, mind, and spirit in a number of ways. There are several ways that Cassiterite can help you live a healthier, happier life.
Bismuth has been used for centuries to help with a variety of issues, including physical pain, mental stress, and spiritual growth. Bismuth is a stone of transformation. It helps to release negativity and promote positive change. It can also be used to balance emotions, ease anxiety, and promote relaxation.
Ametrine is a unique and powerful healing crystal that can benefit the body, mind, and spirit in many ways. It is made of a combination of amethyst and citrine, both of which are known for their incredible healing properties.