But if this concept is new to you, don’t worry. In this article, we will go over the basics of chakras and crystals that work with each. I will also include ways how to use chakra crystal sets and find a crystal chakra wand, including methods of putting them together yourself.
What is a Charka Crystal Set?
Simply put, a chakra crystal set is a set of seven chakra stones, with each crystal corresponding to a particular chakra. Since ancient times, crystals have been believed to have healing and protective powers.
The crystals’ healing abilities are closely related to the seven major chakras in our body. Different crystals, usually depending on their color, could resonate with a specific chakra. In some cases, it could also activate multiple chakras.
Best Basic Chakra Crystal Set
Select a stone that corresponds to every chakra crystal set to create your own chakra. However, this alone could prove a bit difficult and time-consuming.
For one, there are hundreds of stones that to choose from. As I’m sure you know, each stone’s price and availability vary, making this even more complicated. Moreover, some crystals work better with particular stones. In other words, some pairings are more effective, while others don’t.
To illustrate, both potatoes and watermelons are healthy fruits. However, mixing them in a bowl might not be a good idea. It’s the same for crystals. Some crystals work best with a particular stone, whereas their effectiveness would lessen if paired with a different one.
If you aren’t sure which chakra stones to include in your own set, we recommend these crystals below for beginners:
Red Jasper for the Root Chakra
Red Jasper is one of the most effective crystals to use for the Root Chakra. One of the reasons why it’s highly recommended for beginners is its accessibility. Because of its ready availability, red jasper is also more affordable than other Root chakra crystals.
It has potent grounding and protective powers. Red Jasper helps stabilize the mind, heart, and body while promoting endurance and resilience.
Orange Carnelian for the Sacral Chakra
Carnelian crystals, specifically those of the orange variety, are among the best Sacral chakra stones. It is widely popular amongst crystal enthusiasts, healers, and Reiki practitioners because this chakra stone could effectively unblock the Sacral chakra. Not only does it unleash creativity and boost a person’s zest for life, but it also increases sex drive.
It’s also commonly recommended for people suffering from any disease in the reproductive organs. It is even associated with fertility and labor, which makes it excellent for couples trying to have children.
Yellow Citrine for the Solar Plexus Chakra
Yellow crystals are excellent for the Solar Plexus chakra because they promote confidence and healthy self-love. Meanwhile, citrine is often associated with joy, energy, and success. Bringing these two together, we have the yellow citrine, the perfect stone for the Solar Plexus chakra since it governs our inner strength and willpower.
In a way, yellow citrine could act like a good luck charm when it boosts courage and trust in yourself. Moreover, citrines are also protective stones, so it’s one of the best crystals to keep in your pocket.
Green Aventurine for the Heart Chakra
The Heart chakra resonates with the color green; green aventurine perfectly matches this chakra. It brings harmony, inner peace, and calm to an individual. It also eases anxiety and promotes mental clarity.
It helps strengthen relationships, whether they are familial, romantic, or whatnot. It gives way to trust and forgiveness, as well as helping one to accept love and kindness towards them. In turn, it also boosts compassion in an individual and promotes unconditional love.
Lapis Lazuli for the Throat Chakra
Lapis Lazuli is an excellent stone for all the Higher Chakras, from the Throat to the Crown. Its blue colors represent calmness, tranquility, and clarity of thought. As such, lapis lazuli is highly recommended for those who feel their throat chakra is blocked.
This beautiful crystal has been used for a long time because of its purported ability to improve communication skills. It clears the mind of confusion and could even help cure headaches. It helps you to gather your thoughts and speak your truth without fear. Besides, lapis lazuli is a genuinely stunning crystal, so it would surely be an excellent addition to your chakra stone set.
Purple Amethyst for the Third-Eye Chakra
Amethysts are highly spiritual stones with solid metaphysical powers. Most often than not, amethysts–especially the purple ones–almost always make it to the cut of being among the crystals chosen to be put in a chakra stone set. The reason is, besides having powerful abilities and tremendous benefits, it’s also readily available. It’s also among the most popular gemstones in the market.
These crystals have been used for healing and protection for a long time. It resonates with the Higher Chakras, particularly the Third Eye and the Crown.
Clear Quartz for the Crown Chakra
Finally, clear quartz is one of the most powerful stones for unblocking your Crown chakra. Although it resonates with all seven major chakras, clear quartz is often used to clear blockages and absorb negative energy. It’s also commonly used for programming affirmations and initiating spiritual growth.
Clear quartz is also considered a master healer stone because of its ability to unblock all the chakras and bring balance to the whole body. Because of this, clear quartz should be on your list of considerations when making your chakra stone set.
There you have it. Those crystals should be at least in one of your crystal sets because they are among the most powerful stones you could work with in opening your chakras.
If you’re thinking of putting together a chakra crystal set but don’t know where to begin, we suggest getting red jasper, orange carnelian, yellow citrine, green aventurine, lapis lazuli, purple amethyst, and clear quartz.
Each of those stones corresponds to a particular chakra and is quite powerful.
Advanced Chakra Crystal Set
There is no rule on which crystals should make it to your seven. As I’ve said before, you can assemble your own chakra set. Choose those that help your Chakras aligned with the balance and healing you seek.
When you are ready to create a chakra crystal set of your own, here are a few that you might want to consider:
Root Chakra Crystals
Many red, black, and brown colored crystals are ideal for working on the Root chakra and helping you feel safe. Good examples of Root chakra crystals are:
- Black Obsidian – Black Obsidian promotes balance, grounding, and mental clarity, especially in distress and grief.
- Hematite – Hematite is a calming and empowering stone used to shield oneself from negative energy and bring relaxation to the whole being.
- Garnet – Garnet helps promote good health and protect oneself from negative energies. It’s also used to relieve stress and bring comfort.
- Black Tourmaline – Black Tourmaline helps to bring balance and grounding. It’s also used to release stress and as a shield against negativity.
- Bloodstone – Bloodstone’s calming energies are often used to fight addiction and aid in one’s recovery. It also promotes healing and vitality.
Sacral Chakra Crystals
Orange crystals of different hues with warm and fiery glow are commonly used to open the Sacral chakra in your lower abdomen. Examples are:
- Sunstone – Sunstone fights stress and anxiety while instilling joy. Having a sunstone could increase enthusiasm and zest for life.
- Fire Opal – Fire Opal is often considered the stone of passion and love. It’s believed to boost creativity, good fortune, and joy.
- Tiger’s Eye – Tiger’s Eye is a great confidence booster, as well as one that stimulates creativity. It gives a boost of energy and combats fear.
- Amber – Amber has many mental, physical, and soul benefits. Orange and brown amber, in particular, boosts creativity and promotes good fortune.
- Peridot is a color of abundance, good luck, and health. Like many sacral chakra stones, it is a great creativity booster and brings joy to its wearer.
Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals
Yellow to light orange stones are excellent Solar Plexus chakra crystals. You can use the following:
- Orthoclase – Orthoclase is a stone of empowerment and wisdom. It also brings mental clarity and enthusiasm so you can confidently do your tasks ahead.
- Zircon – Zircon promotes confidence and enthusiasm. The stone is believed to bring honor to an individual.
- Honey Opal – Honey Opal can bring enthusiasm and confidence to a person. It could help them accept and trust in their own power.
- Yellow Jade – Yellow Jade empowers an individual, helping them during times of stress and difficult transitions. It also boosts confidence and joy.
- Yellow Jasper – Yellow Jasper is a crystal of inner strength. It brings determination and bravery to a person, especially in the face of challenges.
Heart Chakra Crystals
Green and pink crystals work best with the Heart chakra. Stones that work well with the Heart chakra include:
- Rose Quartz – Rose Quartz is one of the best crystals for the heart chakra. The stone helps you work out emotional issues and strengthens relationships.
- Rhodochrosite – Rhodochrosite promotes self-love and heals emotional traumas. It also fights stress and brings inner peace.
- Serpentine – Serpentine is a stone of transformation. The crystal could help you let go of old patterns that don’t serve you and promote positive change in your life.
- Chrysoprase – Chrysoprase is a beautiful healing crystal that cures the mind and body. It’s beneficial for those who suffer from anxiety and depression.
- Emerald – Emerald soothes fear and helps you to stay balanced. It could also help you with relationship problems while supporting your personal growth.
Throat Chakra Crystals
Blue chakra stones are among the best to open the Throat chakra. The following stones are some of them:
- Turquoise – Turquoise is one of the best crystals for communication. It promotes wisdom and self-confidence so you can speak your truth.
- Blue Lace Agate – Blue Lace Agate is a beautiful stone that promotes trust and self-expression. If you have difficulty telling it as it is, this crystal could help.
- Chrysocolla – Chrysocolla is a calming and grounding stone. It’s a highly effective crystal for public speaking and even in daily communication with others.
- Aquamarine – Aquamarine soothes the mind, making it an excellent stone for enhancing communication skills. It also brings courage and hope.
- Celestite – Celestite promotes inner peace and calm. It also clears the mind of negative thoughts and ideas, helping you communicate more effectively.
Third-Eye Chakra Crystals
Generally, indigo, deep purple, and other darker-colored crystals are used to unblock the Third-Eye chakra. Here are some of the best third-eye chakras stones:
- Iolite – Iolite is said to help with dreams. It also promotes intuition as well as helping you to stay balanced.
- Sodalite – Sodalite is a powerful crystal that could aid your spiritual journey. It also awakens intuition and psychic abilities.
- Moonstone – Moonstone is a stone of spiritual protection. Moreover, it helps strengthen intuition and boosts creativity.
- Lepidolite – Lepidolite is a beneficial stone for those working on their spiritual development. It also fights stress and insomnia.
- Labradorite – Labradorite helps to protect you from evil entities and negative energy. Besides enhancing intuition, it’s also said to open psychic abilities.
Crown Chakra Crystals
People often use either purple or white crystals for the Crown chakra, sometimes even those that belong to the clear/transparent and spectrum/rainbow categories. Use the following crystals:
- Selenite – Selenite is a highly spiritual stone that brings mental clarity and insight to its wearer. It’s also commonly used to cleanse the aura and other crystals.
- Rutilated Quartz – Rutilated Quartz helps bring inner peace and promote discipline. It may also aid you in accessing the Akashic Records.
- Agate – Agate has been used for a long time to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It also helps with bringing balance to your overall body.
- Charoite – Charoite is a powerful crystal that can help align your chakras. It’s also used for astral travel and past life regression.
- Fluorite – Fluorite helps in astral travel and awakening psychic abilities. It’s one of the best stones to use for spiritual development.
How to Use a Crystal Set for Chakra Balancing
There are a few ways to incorporate a chakra crystal set into your day-to-day activities. Chakra balancing is essential to help you live a happier and healthier life.
Ideally, putting each of the crystals from your set close to the chakra it corresponds to is the best way to do so. However, how you would do it depends on your preference.
Here are some that we would recommend:
Wear Them as Jewelry
The easiest way to incorporate a chakra stone set is by wearing them as jewelry. There are many chakra bracelets and necklaces online, for example. If you have raw chakra stones, you can place them in macrame knots and wear them as a necklace.
Keep Them in Your Pocket
Chakra stones can have a tremendous positive effect in your daily life, and what’s better than bringing them with you everywhere? Put them in your pocket or purse whenever you go outside of the house.
House, Office, or Car Decor
Chakra stones can also be used as a decorative element in your home. Place them wherever you want, preferably where you usually meditate.
Keep Them Close While Asleep
Others also recommend putting chakra stones under your pillow while you sleep. Not only does it help you have a long, restful sleep, but it will also protect you from negative entities and harmful energy. Placing them atop your dresser or bedside table would also do.
Place Them on Your Body
Placing chakra stones near your body is a highly effective method to experience its healing effects. Put the crystal near the chakra where it resonates the most. For instance, place amethyst on your forehead or between your eyebrows where the Third-Eye chakra rests. This practice could help improve your intuition and imagination.
Meditate With Them
Lastly, meditating with chakra stones is still one of the most effective ways to unblock your chakra and receive its benefits. Have them sit near you whenever you meditate or hold them close.
You can either select a crystal chakra wand or a set of individual chakra stones. Whichever you choose, meditating with a crystal chakra wand and chakra stone set will help you tremendously.
You can also use them with gridwork.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Crystals Help Your Spiritual Well Being?
Despite the lack of scientific evidence, people continue to believe that crystals could change their lives. In a way, yes, crystals could help your spiritual well-being. It’s believed to positively affect the mind, body, and spirit. Moreover, it helps attune your chakras, letting energy move freely between the seven crucial focal points.
How Do You Use Crystals to Access Your Energy Centers?
There are many ways to use crystals to access your energy centers, a.k.a. your chakra points; one is to meditate with it. Another standard method is placing it near the chakra. For instance, if you are working to unblock your Heart chakra, place it on the center of your chest. Similarly, if you want to open your Throat chakra, place it near your neck.
Will Crystals Increase Your Personal Power?
Although it isn’t scientifically proven that crystals significantly affect health, many people still swear by their restorative and energizing powers. Many could feel that its energies help them achieve calmness and inner tranquility even in stressful situations.
How do you know which crystals are right for me?
For this, we could advise one thing: go with your instinct. Follow your gut. You will know if the crystal is right for you if you have a spiritual connection with it.
Listen to what your intuition says about a particular crystal. As for putting together a crystal set, you may have to do some trial and error before finding the group that speaks to you. Again, we recommend going for the basic set first if you aren’t sure yet.
Since ancient times, humans have used crystals to heal various afflictions on the mind, body, and spirit. Similarly, the ancients have also studied chakras: energy points in our body that influences every aspect of our life.
Crystals are also long believed to have the power to align and balance all seven chakras. Unblocking all these energy centers could improve your overall well-being. Knowing which stones correspond to each chakra and putting them together in one set is essential for spiritual development.
Hopefully, you got all the answers you need to assemble a chakra stone set. Feel free to bookmark this page for reference or share it with anyone who needs it.