In this article, I’ll be discussing the many benefits of natural chalk as a crystal. I will also talk about other related info such as the best stones to pair it with, how to meditate with it, and the proper way to cleanse it.
Chalk Meaning
When talking about chalk, perhaps our minds automatically picture white or colored sticks used in classrooms. Nobody would blame you, though, because these manmade chalks (usually made from other carbonate-based minerals and gypsum) are what we generally associate the word with nowadays. In this article, however, we will be talking about natural, calcite chalk: those ones that you may have seen as white cliffs, caves, and other large rock formations.
Chalk is calcium carbonate in the form of the mineral calcite and is found in many places all over the world. The word “chalk” probably originated from the Latin word “calx”, which basically means “lime”.
Chalk is a limestone rock primarily made from calcite shells of foraminifera and calcareous algae, among various other planktons. This stone was formed millions of years ago and has been mined for centuries because of its widespread industrial uses.
Aside from those, chalk is also believed to possess healing and cleansing abilities. Some, go to chalk formations, especially near the sea because being near it brings the feelings of ease and calm. It’s also thought to purify negative energies and promote a sense of peace in a person.
People also use chalk for its healing benefits on the physical body. Some even use powdered natural chalk to relieve pain and purify the skin. Other physical benefits include strengthening teeth and bones. It can also protect you from the harmful effects of electronic smog.
And since chalk is still basically calcite, it also shares benefits with this mineral. It encourages spiritual growth and also helps out in clearing negative thoughts. If you feel stagnant, demotivated, and suffocated by the toxicity of the world around you, chalk can help cleanse and purify these energies to restore balance.
Chalk Uses and Benefits
Chalk has a lot of benefits similar to other types of calcite crystals. It’s beneficial to the bones and it’s also believed to heal inflammation. Aside from those, it’s a cleansing stone that can help purify negative energies around you.
Moreover, it’s greatly useful to shield oneself from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. It’s up to you to decide if you want to carry a chalk crystal with you or place one in your home. It can also even be helpful during meditation. Do note though, that chalk is a soft mineral and it can release dust particles into the air, which might cause eye irritation.
Crystal Health Disclaimer
While crystals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog is not to be taken as medical advice. Additionally, you should always follow the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.
Chalk Physical Benefits
While you shouldn’t forego medical treatment, you can experience chalk’s healing powers on your physical body. Chalk helps a lot with the body’s skeletal and circulatory systems. Aside from those, it’s also believed to be helpful in relieving pain caused by inflammation.
Here are some of the physical benefits of having a chalk crystal with you:
Chalk Emotional Benefits
Chalk also has a number of benefits for the mind and heart. Here are some of them:
Chalk Metaphysical Properties
Chalk is also incredibly useful when it comes to metaphysical applications. For one, it’s a great stone to have if you want to purify the energy around you. Another reason why it’s excellent to use is that it can aid in promoting psychic abilities. Here are the best metaphysical uses of chalk:
Chalk Meditation and Grounding
Chalk is a cleansing stone that helps purify our mind, body, and soul from all the impurities that stagnate our spiritual development. Therefore, chalk can be used in meditation and grounding because it clears our minds quickly and helps us maintain a sense of tranquility while trying to connect with our higher self.
To meditate with this stone, get to a comfortable position. There’s no set rule on how you should hold this stone. I recommend closing one hand on the stone while meditating or having the stone nearby. Do whichever you feel is the best for you. Visualize the energy that emanates from the stone as it does its job: cleansing the impurities around you.
Chalk Chakras
Natural chalk can help activate your crown and third-eye chakra. While meditating with this stone, you may experience the following:
Chalk Crystal Combinations
Chalk can be paired with stones that help with meditation and grounding. It amplifies the energy of other stones, which is incredibly helpful when trying to gain access to spiritual dimensions and communicate with divine beings. Some of the crystals that go well with natural chalk are the following:
Selenite is a stone used for centuries to connect with the spiritual realm and develop psychic abilities, such as telepathy. It’s also a stone used to amplify and energize other crystals.
Phenacite can help activate the third-eye and crown chakra, similar to natural chalk stones.
Quartz help amplifies healing energies from crystals.
Lapis Lazuli can also develop psychic abilities.
Charging and Cleansing
Natural chalk absorbs energy from its environment and from you. This is why it’s highly important to cleanse and charge it as much as it needs. However, since chalk is quite soft, you need to be extra careful in handling it.
To cleanse chalk, you can put it under sunlight or natural light. To charge it, but the stone near crystal chargers such as selenite.
Chalk is a common mineral. At the same time, however, it’s not as simple as it seems. It helps cleanse the mind and spirit from negative energy, thus allowing positive energy to take over. Also, it’s greatly beneficial to the skeleton, joints, and even the blood.
Although it’s a rock you can find in many places, you might be surprised to know that it brings more mental and spiritual benefits than you would expect. Don’t forget to charge and cleanse it as necessary to make sure it is filled with positive energy so you can also take advantage of its healing properties.