Infinite Stone
Infinite Stone, also known as Light Green Serpentine, is an awe-inspiring stone not only due to its striking physical attributes but also it's healing and supernatural properties that can assist in reinventing the self, manifesting our reality, and communicating with higher beings for guidance and support. It benefits people on their spiritual journey, people who feel physically and emotionally exhausted, and mystic healers.
Orange River Quartz
Orange River Quartz is a rare enchanting crystal that harnesses mystical power that releases unhealthy things, ideas, and boundaries, reframes thinking and perceiving the world, and raises your frequency while anchoring it to the planet. It helps individuals who are feeling desperation, fearing rejection, and suffering from self-limiting beliefs.
Poppy Jasper
Poppy Jasper is a beautiful and fiery stone that had taken its seat as one of the primary healing crystals in history. Its ability to impart energy and healing to the one who wears it makes it a popular choice for any crystal healer. This crystal is often used to heal pain, boost one's vitality, and balance the energies in the auric field and physical body. Truly, it's one of the best crystals to use for many purposes.
Auralite 23
Auralite 23 is a superb rare crystal. Its energy brings forth emotional and spiritual healing, wisdom, and transformation. It benefits people in despair, undergoing personal transition, and embarking soul journey.
Eudialyte is a reddish mineral nicknamed the "Stone of the Heartland" because of its power to connect one's heart to the energies of the Earth. A crystal known for its emotional healing abilities and tantalizing beauty, Eudilyte is prized by many crystal collectors and light workers worldwide.
Aurora Quartz
Aurora Quartz is a gorgeous stone with high vibrational energy and is a powerful stone of spiritual awakening, kundalini activation, and transformation. Its magical powers help resolve self-doubts, self-limiting behaviors, and self-sabotaging behaviors. This crystal can assist people in their spiritual journey and feeling anxious and stressed out.
Hemimorphite is an incredibly unique piece of crystal that harnesses strong metaphysical power which accompanies personal transformation, modifies soulful connections, and synergizes purpose in life according to the divine plan. This is highly beneficial to spiritual practitioners, people on a soul journey, and people who feel out of control, unmotivated, and doubtful.
Stichtite is a rare, hydrated magnesium chromium carbonate mineral known for its vibrant purple or pink color. A stunning crystal that possesses magnificent supernatural abilities, stichtite facilitates viewing things in higher perspective, altruism, and adaptability. Its healing energy can aid people experiencing dissatisfaction and depression.
Larimar is a one-of-a-kind enchanting stone that has mystical powers that induce deep healing, strengthen persistence, and rebuild oneself. This is highly beneficial to people who are disheartened, emotionally burdened, and discouraged.
Black Moonstone
Black moonstone is a one-of-a-kind gemstone with exceptional energy, protecting your energy from psychic attacks and helping you move on, move forward, and make progress in life.
Andradite is a powerful and versatile crystal from the garnet family. It's reputed to possess a number of metaphysical properties that can greatly help one's personal development and overall well-being. Taking on many forms and is even believed to have magical abilities, andradite is a stone that's definitely worth your love and attention.
How cool is it to know something from outer space? With its interesting origin making it rare, this natural glass meteorite impact melted its way through the atmosphere of the Earth to make us believe in multiverses. For this, multiverses will encourage our spiritual growth and positive transformation.
Wulfenite is a powerful healing crystal that can benefit the body, mind, and spirit in many ways. It is especially beneficial for those struggling with addiction or recovering from a traumatic experience.
Agnitite Quartz
Agnitite Quartz is a high-vibrational stone. Named after the Vedic deity Agni, this crystal is believed to possess the ability to purify one's energy and help in spiritual transformation. It's said to be so powerful that it can initiate kundalini awakening at a fast rate that is comparable to only a few known crystals.
Rhodolite is a healing crystal that can benefit the body, mind, and spirit. It is known to help with issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Rhodolite can also help to improve communication and relationships, promote creativity and intuition, and boost self-esteem.
Gray Moonstone
Gray Moonstone is a healing crystal that has many benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It is said to help with anxiety, stress, and depression, as well as promote self-love, happiness, and calmness. Moonstone is also thought to be helpful in balancing emotions and providing psychic protection.
Cryolite is an incredibly powerful stone used in meditation and light body awakening. It is said to be very potent that it has a lot of metaphysical and spiritual benefits to anyone who uses this crystal. On the other hand, a person is also warned to be careful of using such a stone because its high vibration might become too strong to handle.
Blue Moonstone
The healing crystal blue moonstone is a stone that can be used to help with many things, including helping the body heal faster. The name of this gem comes from its dark blue color and because it was believed to have been discovered during a full moon. It has been said that if you wear it, then all your dreams will come true.
Serpentine is a powerful healing stone that has been used for centuries. It can benefit the body, mind, and spirit in many ways. Serpentine is a stone of transformation. It can help you to let go of old patterns, behaviors, and ways of thinking that no longer serve you. It can also assist you in making positive changes in your life.
Labradorite is a semi-precious gemstone with a rich, earthy color. It has been used for thousands of years as an amulet to ward off evil spirits and protect its wearer from harm. In ancient times it was also thought to bring luck and prosperity to those who possessed it.