In this article, we will discuss the meaning of Leopardskin Serpentine, its physical and emotional benefits, its metaphysical properties, chakras, and perfect crystal pairings.
Leopardskin Serpentine Meaning
Leopardskin Serpentine is also known as Leopardskin Jasper or Leopardskin Jaguar stone. This gemstone has been found in Brazil, Mexico, and Africa.
It is named Leopardskin because its patterns are similar to that of a Leopard or Jaguar. The stone also has “Serpentine” in its name because it is part of the Serpentine group of minerals. Lastly, it is also sometimes referred to as a “Jasper” stone because Jasper, in Greek, is “Iaspi,” which translates to spotted stone.
Leopardskin Serpentine Uses and Benefits
Leopardskin Serpentine has several uses and benefits for the physical and emotional body. However, it is best known for awakening a person’s Kundalini energy. By unlocking this energy, it encourages creativity, develops psychic abilities and talents, and allows a person to access their feminine energy.
Its other metaphysical properties include accessing past lives and providing spiritual guidance. The physical body positively impacts the circulatory and digestive systems. It’s also great for detoxification and recovery. Lastly, it enables a person to achieve emotional balance.
Crystal Health Disclaimer
While crystals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog is not to be taken as medical advice. Additionally, you should always follow the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.
Leopardskin Serpentine Physical Benefits
There are several physical benefits you can gain from this crystal. Here are the physical healing properties of the Leopardskin Serpentine.
Leopardskin Serpentine Emotional Benefits
Leopardskin Serpentine gemstones are said to heal people’s emotional wounds and help people overcome emotional challenges. Its other emotional benefits include the following:
Leopardskin Serpentine Metaphysical Properties
Leopardskin Serpentine brings about the following metaphysical properties.
Leopardskin Serpentine Meditation and Grounding
Leopardskin Serpentine is a shamanic stone that carries powerful grounding energy. With this gemstone, a person is said to be better aligned with their purpose and soul plan. The stone’s ability to ground and connect a person to spiritual realms makes it an ideal crystal for meditation. In addition, this gemstone is said to help clear blockages from energy centers.
Leopardskin Serpentine Chakras
Crystals interact with a person’s energy center in different ways. These crystals are able to balance and remove any energy blockages in various chakras. The Leopardskin Serpentine mostly resonates with the Root chakra.
Leopardskin Serpentine Crystal Combinations
The Leopard energy by itself is already powerful. However, you may amplify its energy to enhance its benefits and properties by pairing it with other powerful crystals. We’ve found the best gemstone to combine with your Leopardskin Serpentine crystal.
Amethyst is a gemstone known for spiritual growth, intuition, and protection. Pairing this with Leopardskin Serpentine is great for meditation. The crystal combination deepens spiritual connection and allows for better spiritual grounding.
Black Obsidian is best known for its ability to repel and shield against negative energy. When this is combined with Leopardskin Jasper stones, a person gains an aura of protective energies. This crystal pairing also helps in grounding and spiritual transformation.
Black Tourmaline is another stone that protects and deflects negative energies. With the Leopardskin Jasper, protection is amplified, and stability is gained.
Carnelian carries an energy that fosters vitality, courage, and motivation. Pairing it with the Leopardskin Serpentine boosts a person’s confidence and vitality. Both gemstones also allow for better grounding.
Citrine is a stone for abundance, joy, and positivity. When combined with the Leopardskin Jasper, optimism, creativity, and positive energy is increased. In addition, the crystal pairing attracts good fortune and prosperity.
Hematite is known for its grounding and protective energies. Combining this gemstone with Leopardskin Serpentine allows both stones to provide better grounding to a person. Together, the stones are able to relieve stress, enhance mental clarity, and balance emotions.
Labradorite is best known for its transformative energies that aid with spiritual awakening and the enhancement of intuition. With the Leopardskin Jasper, their energies allow people to create stronger connections with spiritual realms. The crystal pairing also promotes inner growth.
Orange Calcite can boost a person’s energy and creativity. With the Leopardskin Jasper, a person is empowered and motivated to tackle tasks and obstacles in life.
The Smoky Quartz and Leopardskin Serpentine pairing is best used for grounding. This pairing also increases protective powers. Together, both stones encourage emotional balance and release stress.
Charging and Cleansing
Crystals need to be cleansed and charged in order to keep them at their optimal energy levels. Cleansing and charging are ideally done at least every month. Your Leopardskin Serpentine will need to undergo this process too. Here are a couple of methods to cleanse and charge your gemstone:
You can also physically clean your gemstones using a soapy water solution and a soft-bristled brush or soft cloth. Gently brush or wipe off the dirt and grime on the crystal’s surface.
Leopardskin Serpentine crystals provide enormous assistance for those who wish to grow spiritually and go through spiritual journeys. It’s an amazing stone that aids the functions of your organs, while helping you with anxiety and stress. You can enhance your psychic powers and abilities with this gemstone, and be better connected with higher, spiritual realms.