Epidote will help you know who you really are. It can shine a light on both your good and bad sides, although you may find it hard to come to terms with it yet. If you are prone to self-criticism and devaluing yourself because of other people’s opinions, epidote can help you step out of this negative cycle.
Because epidote is quite a tricky crystal to use, we have created this guide to help you harness the stone to the best of its ability. In this post, you will find its meaning, uses, benefits, and how to meditate correctly with this stone. Included in this article is other info you may find useful, such as proper cleansing and charging methods and the best crystals to pair it with. Let’s start.
Epidote Meaning
Epidote is a calcium aluminum iron silicate mineral. While it can be sourced worldwide, crystals of finer quality are only found in select places like Italy, Austria, and Norway. These crystals are much rarer than the mineral epidote, which is usually opaque.
Epidote is usually recognized for its green color, ranging from yellowish green to dark green. Because of its color, epidote is also called “pistacite” in allusion to the color of pistachio.
Described in 1801 by Rene Just Haüy, the name “epidote” comes from the Greek word “epidosis” (ἐπίδοσις), which means “addition” or “increase.” Stones, crystals, and other materials that resemble epidote are given the adjective word origin “epidotic,” which is one of the derived forms from its name.
In crystal healing circles, epidote is known to magnify energies, whether good or bad. It can heighten emotions, accentuate behaviors, and promote thoughts of all kinds, from ones that benefit us to those that harm us. Epidotes may increase negative traits or boost positive ones.
Epidote can be used by light workers to bring out negative traits and feelings to the surface. Those toxic habits that we have but are unaware of can be rediscovered with the help of epidote. Changing for the better will need you to know your negative side first before you turn them into positive traits. Admitting our mistakes and shortcomings is the first step to growth, after all.
Epidote Uses and Benefits
Epidote can be worn as a piece of jewelry or carried around in your pocket. Faceted epidote gems are more expensive than opt for raw or polished crystals and cabochons, which are more affordable and easier to obtain.
Wearing a green epidote can accentuate your thoughts, feelings, and actions without meaning to. So, if you rather have a bad day, it may make you more lonely and depressed. On the other hand, if you have had a great day so far, it can also help you become happier and more motivated.
To combat this, you can pair it with another stone known for protection and calming, such as amethyst. You can also work on your epidote alone by programming it with positive energies first. We will talk more about this later in the meditation section.
Aside from wearing and carrying the stone around, you can also use it on grids and meditation. It can also be used in elixirs and gem essences. To do so, we recommend doing the indirect method by placing it in another container first before putting it in water.
Crystal Health Disclaimer
While crystals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog is not to be taken as medical advice. Additionally, you should always follow the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.
Epidote Physical Benefits
Epidote has many benefits for the physical body. A lot of crystal healers and enthusiasts have talked about its healing properties, some of which are the following:
Epidote Emotional Benefits
Epidote has many benefits to the mind and heart as well. With the right usage, epidote can positively affect you in the following aspects:
Epidote Metaphysical Properties
Epidote is also a fantastic stone when it comes to the metaphysical aspect. It has many properties which might help you in this regard. Some of them are:
Epidote Meditation and Grounding
Epidote can be a great stone for meditation; however, it’s a crystal that should be used with caution. It’s important to listen to your intuition first to see if the stone is right for you. Not everyone is prepared for the energy it gives off, which is why some may find it beneficial while others don’t.
Program it with positive intentions and use it while in that state to avoid attracting negativity. Find a calm, distraction-free place. This could be your meditation area or your sacred space. Sit comfortably and hold the stone in one hand. Visualize a white light coming from above and bathing your stone with positive energy, taking away negative vibrations. Then, recite positive affirmations to it. It could be something like:
- I create my reality through my thoughts and actions.
- I am filled with light and love.
- I am happy, healthy, and abundant.
Place the stone in an area where it won’t be disturbed. Use other crystals to meditate with when necessary.
Epidote Chakras
Epidote works with all the chakras.
Types of Epidote
There are many types of epidote. However, below are some of the most notable varieties of this crystal and stones that are related to it:
Dream Quartz, particularly epidote in quartz, are quartz crystals with epidote in them. Not all dream quartz has epidote, as some of them have actinolite inclusions instead. This stone is known for its ability to help with lucid dreaming.
Prehnite Epidote
Prehnite Epidote is a combination of these minerals, which is recognizable for the needle-like inclusions of epidote inside the prehnite crystal. This particular stone can help in spiritual transformation.
Epidote Crystal Combinations
Epidote works best if combined with other crystals, particularly those that boost positive energy and attract it. Here are some of the stones that can be paired with epidote:
Amethyst isn’t only a powerful healing and calming stone, but it also has other properties such as protection from negative energy and enhancing psychic abilities. It’s one of the best stones to balance epidote.
Red Jasper is known for its ability to enhance energy and vitality. It’s also a protective stone.
For grounding and protection, pair epidote with onyx.
Desert Rose promotes self-awareness and also helps with spiritual awakening.
Prehnite is one of the best crystals to pair with epidote, as it has many properties that benefit the latter. It helps balance the mind, body, and spirit, and epidote can boost these positive effects.
Moldavite is a high-vibration stone that helps with spiritual attunement and transformation.
Seraphinite promotes relaxation, calm, and inner tranquility. It dispels stress and helps restore balance.
Charging and Cleansing
Most crystals need to be charged and cleansed regularly, especially one that is like epidote. Thankfully, it’s durable enough to withstand the sun and go in the water, as long as they aren’t exposed to either of the two for long periods of time. If you choose to cleanse it using water, make sure not to soak it. Meanwhile, if you charge it using sunlight, don’t leave them there for hours, or else it might fade.
Here are some recommended cleansing and charging methods for epidote:
Epidote is a powerful healing crystal. However, unlike other stones, it works quite in a different way. It’s important to know first how to correctly incorporate this stunning crystal before doing so or may have trouble adjusting to its presence. With the right knowledge and usage, however, it can be one of the best crystals to work with in achieving spiritual growth.